He's Pretty Stupid

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If you recognize this song I love you
I can't get this song out of my head help-

Leafy's POV
Finally, we caught up with Pin and Coiny.
Firey and I chatted along the way about different things, like what our favorite candy was.
"I absolutely love Himshey Candy. You?" He asked, smiling.
"I like them all, I can't choose!" I replied, laughing.
We seen Pin and Coiny in the distance, and ran over.
"Hey guys!" Firey greeted.
"There you guys are!" Pin said, turning to us.
"Yep! Here we are!" I responded, smiling.
"What took you guys so long?" Coiny began. "We've been waiting forever!"
"Oh..I got distracted while going to the food court. So leafy was waiting a bit for me." Firey answered, placing his hands in his pockets.
"Well you're here now, and that's all that matters. Lets go look around some other stores, then we'll go get something to eat!" Coiny began walking ahead, and motioned me to come up.
"Hey coiny, what's up?"
"So did you find something to give him?" He whispered.
"No...I can't find anything. I don't know what he likes!" I whispered back, head low.
Coiny thought for a moment, and his face lit up.
"Firey LOVES chocolate. Maybe you can get him that!"
"I could...but I want to get him something he can look at, not something he can eat."
"That makes perfect sense. How about...a projector?"
(I want one so bad aha)
"Like a star one? For what?"
"Well, he's afraid of the dark, so getting him one will light up his room and help him sleep!"
I smiled, and seen someone walk out of a nearby store with one.
"Are you sure he'd like it?" I asked Coiny.
"Yea! I'm sure he'd love that! And throw in some chocolate for good measure."
"Thanks coiny. I'll take Pin inside with me. Can you distract him?"
"Anything for you Leafy. Take my keys. Once you buy it go run to my car and put it in the trunk so he won't see it."
I grinned, and coiny tossed me his keys.
"Hey Firey! The girls are going to go look for something. Let's go to the game store!"
"Ok, sure!"
Coiny turned back, and winked at me.
"Alright, what are we looking for?" Pin asked as we walked into the store.
"Hmm...let's go Star Projector. For Firey."
"Ah! Getting gifts! I see!"
We walked around, it was a large store, and they were no where in sight.
"Do you have a backup gift?" Pin asked, slightly worried.
"I'm not going to give up just yet Pin." I started. "He needs this."
Just as I said that, I spotted them.
"There! There's one left!!"
I rushed over, grabbed it, and jumped happily.
"Nice!! I've got it! Now to go check out!"
"Wait Leafy, how much is it?"
I looked over at the price tag, $40.
"It's 40. Why?"
"Just wanted to know if it was a decent price. Anything under that isn't that great."
I smiled, and we walked over to the register.
"Find everything you need?" The cashier asked, while scanning the item.
"Allllright that's gonna bring you to 43. Cash or card?"
"Cash! Here you go!" I handed her the money, and smiled back at pin.
"He's gonna love it!" Pin said.
"I hope so, now to the Candy store!"
(Can't wait for that Heathers comment)
"The candy store? For what?"
I grabbed my receipt and bag, and led pin out.
"Firey is in love with chocolate. So I figured I'd get him some."
"Oh now that he'll love. Let's go! There's one down there!"
We walked over to the store, and a strong chocolate smell came though.
"Woah..now that smells good." Pin said.
And it did. I smiled big as we walked inside.
"Ok. Now to find what kind of chocolate we should get him."
"That's easy. He loves Himshey chocolate. When we were younger I would always hear him talk about it. Plus, he just told me while we were walking looking for you guys." I replied, walking over to the assortment boxes.
"The question is...do I get him an assortment box? Or the bar itself?"
Pin came up to me, and examined.
"I would get him the candy bars. They're cheaper, and if you buy the same amount that an assortment box would cost, you'd get more chocolate. You get me?"
I nodded, and grabbed a lot of candy bars.
Once I got done paying for the 20 or so candy bars, and yes I did get that many, they were cheap, we walked over to Coiny's car.
"I just hope he likes these." I began. "What if he doesn't?"
Pin opened the trunk of the car, and I set the things in.
"There's no way he won't like them leafy. If you gave these to me, I would love it."
I closed the trunk, and turned to Pin.
"But you're not Firey though. Something just tells me he won't like it.."
"Leafy. Listen to me. It is so obvious he's in love with you. And he will love this stuff. And if it wasn't much to you, it's always the thought that counts."
I stood frozen, staring at the ground.
"Oh come on leafy! He will absolutely love you forever if you give him these things. You're giving him something to help him with his fear of the dark, and you're giving him his all time favorite candy. What more do I have to say to convince you?"
I laughed, and looked up.
"You're right. I'm just overreacting."
She bumped my shoulder, and we began to walk back inside the mall.
"It's not overreacting silly. I felt the same way while trying to find a way to confess to Coiny. But well he beat me to that." She giggled.
"Yea...that's true. Well, let's get going to finding the boys!"
As we made our way throughout the mall, looking for them, I felt happy.
I was going to give him something he would absolutely love. And there was no dont about it that he would like it. Regardless of if he liked be back or not.
He confessed to me that he would sleep at his house, but his night light had broken. So he spent a lot of time at my house because he felt safer.
I seen him standing in the game store with Coiny, and I smiled.
He looked so happy to be with us.
Before he was so...quiet, and only spoke when he was able to.

As we ate in the food court, I noticed Firey wouldn't stop staring at me.
"Do I have something on my face?" I asked, wiping my face.
"O-oh!! No, you're fine!" He replied, nervously.
"Then why were you staring at me?" I giggled.
"Oh is that what it looks like? I'm trying to read the sign behind you."
"Sure you are Firey." Coiny rolled his eyes.
"I-I was!! I swear!"
"Riiight." Pin started. "Did you want to go get some Yoyleberries? There's a stand right there with some, and they're making treats too."
Firey's face lit up, as did Coiny's.
"Yes!! Let's go!!" Coiny said, jumping off his seat.
Firey grabbed my hand, and pulled me over to the stand.
"Alright Leafy. What do you want?" He asked me, eyes sparkling as he looked at what was available.
"Yo...you Don't have to pay!" I stammered.
"Let me! Please. You always pay for everything. Let me pay this one time."
I sighed, and let him.
"Ok. What would you like?"
"I'll just take some Yoyleberries. I don't really want anything else."
"Alright. I'll get myself Uh....Yoyle Cake. I heard that's pretty good."
As Firey ordered what he wanted, I stood next to him, barely feeling his warmth.
"Here you go Leafy. Some Yoyleberries." Firey said, handing me the small basket.
As we came to sit back down, I noticed Pin and Coiny were gone.
Coiny jumped up and ran to the line before us, where was he?
"Oh. Looks like he's ordering a lot." Firey stated, and I looked over.
Pin was shaking her hands, as the server was giving Coiny many different items.
We laughed, and ate what we had.
"Mhm?" I looked up, and our eyes met.
"You know, the new movie theater just opened. Do you wanna go see a movie after this?" He asked.
"I'd like that a lot, but what will we see?"
He went silent, and laughed.
"I don't even know to be honest. None of the movies really caught my attention. We'll just go home then after this."
I smiled, and he put his hands on his face.
"You know what else leafy?"
"What's that Firey?"
"Has anyone ever told you.." he went quiet for a second.
"Has anyone ever told me...?"
"S-sorry. Has anyone ever told you that you have a really pretty smile?"
My face flushed, and I rubbed my arm.
"W-well..no actually.."
"Well you have a pretty smile then. I'll gladly be the first."
"Hey guys! We're back!" Coiny said, placing a large tray of Yoyleberry based foods.
"Why did you get so much stuff Coiny???" I asked, looking at the large pile of things in front of me.
"He wanted to try each and every thing they had to offer." Pin said, her hand on her face.
"Hey. I gotta know if this is good stuff!" Coiny jokingly argued back.
I rolled my eyes, and watched as he tried everything.
Firey kept staring at me, and every time I made eye contact with him back he would look away.

Hi I'm actually sleepy, I'm sleepin good tonight.
I tried to get this out as quick as possible, and even though it's harder to write in one person's POV the whole time, it does give me more ideas for when I switch.
Anyways I literally almost cried today because reading your guy's comments still makes me happy.
1683 Words

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