Movie Night!

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Teardrop is a Mute in this story. She uses Sign Language.

Leafy's POV

Sitting in the bus, I wore Firey's Black hoodie, letting tears quietly fall down my cheeks. He left it behind. And..I was cold. But besides that...I couldn't stop thinking about him.
I don't know why I couldn't get him out of my mind.
His orange and yellow hair that seemed to glow, no matter what time of day it was.
His orange and hazel eyes. They way they sparkled.
His confidence....
His stupidity for going with Puffball.
The tears continued to fall quicker, and I put the hood of his hoodie up, pulling on the strings.
I began to sob quietly. Hard.
I couldn't figure out this feeling I had.
It wasn't hate..what was it?
"Leafy? Can i sit here?" A soft voice asked.
I quickly wiped my tears away, and looked up. It was Needle.
"Sure! But...why aren't you sitting with teardrop?"
"She wanted to talk to Pin and Coiny about something."
"Ah...i see.."
"Is everything ok? You seem sad."
I turned my head to the ground, and sighed.
"'s Firey isn't it?" Needle must've caught the hint.
"I just don't get it! What did I do?" I could feel the tears coming back.
"I think he's just scared Leafy."
"You think so? Of what?"
"Course I do! Deep down, I can see that he really likes hanging out with not only us, but you mostly. But he's afraid of ruining his reputation." Needle explained, gripping her arms.
"But...reputation isn't that important.."
"To him it is. Just give him a bit of time. He'll realize soon."
I took a second to process what she said, before nodding slowly.
"That....that makes me feel slightly better.."
"Good. Say...why don't we have a little sleepover at your house? It can be me, you, Coiny, Pin, Teardrop, and whoever else you want!"
I looked back up at needle, and beamed with joy.
"I'd love that!"

Firey's POV

Hands on the restroom counter, I kept looking at myself, and watched the tears continue to fall.

(I'm actually really happy with how this turned out lmfao)

"Firey? Are you ok?" My mom asked from outside the door.
"Y-yea mom! I'm great!"
"Are you sure? Did something happen?"
"I'm sure! Nothing happened, I promise."
I heard my moms footsteps walk away, and I sighed, placing my hands on my head.
What was this...feeling I had?
It feels...
The way I felt when I first...liked Puffball...
It was...
I started shaking. It hit me.
'Nonononononono' I thought, shaking my head.
I can't like her.
I can't.
There's no way.
That's impossible.
I started to cry again.
How do I like her?
How can I like her?
I walked out of the bathroom, and ran into my room, closing the door.
I threw my phone onto my nightstand, and sat on my bed.
I brought my knees close to my chest, and hugged them, and started to sob.
I never cried like this before.
All I wanted now...
Was to hold her close to me.
I wanted her with me.

Leafy's POV

"I don't really have any snacks guys, sorry!" I said as I unlocked the door, letting everyone in.
"That's ok Leafy!" Coiny said.
"Yea! We can always get delivery!" Pin suggested.
"Hmmm...that sounds like a good idea!" I said, smiling brightly.
Needle nodded, and sat on my couch with Teardrop, and the two ordered together.
"Do you guys want soda?" Needle asked.
"Sure!" We all said.
I walked into the kitchen, to which Pin joined me.
"Oh! Pin! What's up?"
"Leafy, whats wrong?"
"Oh..I'm just a bit shaken up from Firey, that's all."
"Oh..i don't really blame you, he was really nice, I don't get why-"
"Pin. Can we talk about this later?"
"Oh! Sorry! That's fine!" Pin said shakily.
"So...what are you doing in here?"
"Oh, I was going to see if I had any microwaved popcorn for the movie! All I have is this one you put in a pot."
"I can help you make it Leafy!" Pin suggested.
I smiled, and nodded.
Pin seemed so skilled in the cooking department, not just baking. It was mesmerizing to watch her confidently make things, such as cakes.
She had a talent alright.
After the popcorn was done, we all sat down for the movie. The food would be here in about an hour, so we decided to watch it now.

After the food came and the movie ended, it was time to eat.
Teardrop and Needle ordered this meal I've never seen before, which was weird to me. I've never had it before.
Apparently, it was really good, and they didn't lie. If they told you something was good, it was good.

"Hey...this is pretty good!" I said happily.
"Glad you like it!" Teardrop signed. "Needle and I get this a lot."
"We do! It's our favorite place to go to when we have mini dates!" Needle giggled.
(Did I mention that in this story Needle is not a love interest to Leafy, but instead is with Teardrop? Oops I forgot.)
After we all ate, it was time to watch another movie to fall asleep to.
Coiny and I leaned against the couch, and Pin, Needle, and Teardrop sat on it.
"Leafy? Are you sure you're ok there? You can always come up here!" Pin asked.
"Ah! I'm fine!" I replied. "I get really hot easily when I'm near others anyways."
After a while of silence, i looked behind me to see if the girls were still awake.
Pin was asleep, an arm drooped on the side of the couch.
Needle held Teardrop close to her, snoring quietly.
I turned to Coiny, and he was asleep too.


I quietly stood up, and made my way upstairs.
Walking into the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled, before frowning.
"Ah...who am I kidding? I'm nothing. I'm just a liar to everybody. Showing a happy face when deep down I'm breaking apart.
I opened my medicine cabinet, and grabbed my Pills for my anxiety and depression.
I quickly took them, and shut the cabinet.
"What's that?" A voice asked.
I turned around quickly.
"C-Coiny? What are you-"
"I felt you get up. Is everything ok?"
I froze.
"Yea. Everything's fine."
"Leafy, I just wanted to tell you, if there's ever a time where you need to talk to someone, I'm here for you. Ok?"
"You miss Firey don't you?"
"What? How could you ever-"
"I'm not stupid Leafy." Coiny held his arms out.
I felt myself being drawn to him, before feeling myself breaking down, crying in his arms.
"It's ok Leafy...I'm here."

"I'm here..."

1140 Words

Brought together by Music : Fireafy (REWRITTEN)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz