I Don't Like You

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He knows.

Firey's POV

I eyed coiny the rest of the night, he was clearly more over leafy...more than usual.
He was..very physical with her. Twirling her hair around..ugh.
Pin didn't seem to mind, so this might be normal behavior for him?
I noticed he was blushing..more than usual..yea. He liked her.
But..why the hell would he be on her all of the sudden? To get at me?
"Ok. I'm gonna..go outside for a second." I slammed my hands on the table, and got up.
"Oh..t-take your time Firey!" Leafy called out.
I sat outside on the front porch, looking at the ground. I was holding back tears, and my body was shaking.
How could he..
Maybe I was overreacting again. There's no way-
The door opened. I turned to see Coiny there. He sat down next to me.
"Ok. What's up dude? You've been acting weird all night. Tell me."
"What's up with you?!" I spat, feeling the tears drop. "Y-you're trying to take her!"
"Take her? What do you..and who's her?"
"You're trying to take leafy from me! I know you are!"
"Dude..what makes you-"
"I.." he went silent.
"I know you like her Coiny. You don't have to hide it from me..it's so obvious."
"...ok..maybe I do..and so what? You've treated her horribly for years! I..I just..I don't.."
"Dude. Just back off. You've been helping me..why are you doing this?"
He stood up, and took a deep breath.
"You're my friend Firey...but.."
He opened up the door, and I looked at him, tears in my eyes.
"I know she'd be happier with anyone else but you. You've just hurt her so many times..and I don't want to see her hurt again."

I ended up going home after that.
I wasn't going to face him.
His words really hurt me..and I couldn't lose her..
It's been about 2 hours.
I stared at the jewelry box on my dresser, the locket glimmering in the light.
What if he was right though?
What if..she was happier with him?
I was just..somebody that barely came back into her life..he's been apart of it longer then me.
All I really did was cause her pain and..sorrow..
"Firey! You've got a friend here! They're coming up!" My mom called out, and I sighed, putting the jewelry box in my dresser.
Please don't be Coiny..
I was surprised to see Leafy, putting her hair behind her.
"Hey Firey..I wanted to check on you..are you ok?"
"Y-yea! I'm ok! What makes you think I'm not ok?"
She sat on my bed, sad. "Well..for one you're crying. And you just..left with no warning." She reached over, wiping my tears away.
"It's no big deal leafy..don't worry about it."
"But Firey...you're-"
She quickly stumbled up, and sighed.
"Y-yea..sorry I bothered you..here..you..left your phone.." she handed it to me, and quickly ran out.
I held my hand out for her to come back. "Leafy..wait..I'm sorry, I'm just.."
She was already gone.
I threw myself back on the bed, taking a long breath.
Of course..I really do hurt her. Even when I try not to, I still do.

Leafy's POV

"So? What did he say?" Coiny asked. He was sitting on my bed.
He had dropped pin off earlier back at her house after they helped me clean up..but he came back here. I wonder why..
"Ah..he..just said thanks, and that was it."
"You look a little hurt. Did he say something to you?"
"Well..he was in a bit of a bad mood. He kinda..snapped."
"He shouldn't even be treating you like that! Are you ok?"
"I'm fine..and it's not his fault, something must've happened."
Coiny placed his hand on my face, and I looked at him.
"Just forget about him leafy. He's hurt you way to many times."
"But..he doesn't mean it! I know he doesn't. He just..Doesn't know how to handle his emotions! I'm sure he doesn't mean to hurt me!"
He pulled me closer to him, smiling.
"C-Coiny..? What are you-"
I was cut off by him. He quickly pulled me in, kissing me.  
I sat there, my mind racing. I didn't know what to do.
His lips were soft, and gentle.
He was hugging me tightly, but..it just didn't feel the same.
Part of me wanted to just..kiss him back, but the other part of me remembered Pin.
What would she think? Did she know about this? No, of course she didn't.
I quickly pushed him back, my arms out.
"Coiny. No. I..I'm sorry..but I just don't feel that way about you. I like Firey..I only see you as a friend."
He looked upset, and laughed awkwardly.
"O-oh..sorry about that.."
"I-it's ok! Don't worry about it!"
Both of us went quiet, and I sighed.
"Coiny..you are..helping me get with Firey..right?"
He sighed. "Yes Leafy..I'm helping you get with him.."
"Then..why are you doing this? Are you..are you trying to take me away from him? Is that what this is?"
"No! I..I just.."
"Coiny. Be honest with me. Are you doing this to keep us apart?"
"I just..I know I can treat you better than he can!"
"You don't even know him!"
"I do Leafy. I know how he is! But..If you really want him..then I support you."
"I think it would be best if you just..leave. I love him..I'm sorry."
He left shortly after, and I sat on my bed, thinking about what just happened.
I looked towards Firey's window, his lights were off. He was probably sleeping.
I..I really did love Coiny, to be quite honest..
But I loved Firey more. I wanted him, not Coiny.

Coinh's POV

I sat in my car, and chuckled.
"You can come out now." I said, and Pin popped up from the backseat.
"So? What did she do? Did she kiss you back?" "Nah. She declined my 'offer'."
"She really is devoted to him then." Pin hopped in the front seat, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek.
"Tell me. How was she?"
"You really wanna know?"
"Well yes! You told me you'd spill everything! That was apart of the plan! You didn't go in to kiss her for nothing. Now spill!"
"Well..like I said, she didn't even kiss back, but she's got soft lips though. Very shaky."
"Poor girl..but hey! At least now we know she's determined to be with him!"
"Oh definitely!"
"And how about Firey? You never told me!"
"He still believes I'm gonna steal her, and is really defensive on me right now."
We both laughed, and held hands.
"Oh they're both definitely good for one another." Pin said, looking outside.
"Yep. Just perfect."
I tried to hold my feelings in..but I knew...I couldn't for any longer.
I've longed to have leafy for years..I just used this as an excuse to get close with her, and..and kiss her.
I knew I would never win her over..unless something..happened.
No..what am I even thinking?! I'm not going to sabotage them..they both love each other..and I couldn't change that.
"So, are we gonna get going?" Pin asked, turning back to me.
"Hm? Oh! Yea! Let's go!"
I started the car, and we made our way to my house, she was gonna spend the night.
Don't get me wrong, I love pin with all my heart..
But I love leafy too..

Also holy fuck man the La La Land soundtrack has me jamming out at 12:30am lmfao
1367 Words

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