Chapter 4 (Year 1)

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River's POV-

"He didn't get expelled! He didn't I don't understand!" Draco said, I rolled my eyes as Draco paced around the table Pansy, Daphne, and I sat on the table, watching him, and trying to do our homework.

"Oh my god, stop pacing, my head hurts," Pansy said, rubbing her head. He waved her off.

"Shush," he said. She glared at him as Blaise came from the boys' dorm. He looked at Draco, confused, as he sat down at the table with us.

"What's he doing?"

"Pacing," Theo answered,


"Because he's in love with Potter," Theo said, not looking up from his work. Draco stopped dead in his tracks, glaring at Theo.

"I am not in love with Potter!" He said, crossing his arms angrily, and finally sitting down on a chair, and letting us finish our work.


"Hey! Potter" I heard someone yell as I came out of the library. I turn around, seeing Potter's redhead friend rushing towards me.

"Yes, um- "I said, not knowing his name.

"Ron Weasley. I was wondering if you would at least consider talking to Harry. I mean, he is your..."

"I'm going to stop you right there," I said, cutting him off. Weasley looked at me, confused.

"Why?" He asked, frowning.

"Because I don't want to be his sister,"

"Why?" He asked again.

"I just told you why I don't want to get to know him!" He's not my brother!" I yelled, walking away from him, leaving him speechless.

I knew I was being a little mean, but I didn't want to get to know them. Just like Snape said, James Potter protected Harry Potter, and they left me alone in that house.

It's probably because he's Lilly Evan's son, Snape said James was always in love with her. Of course, they picked Potter.

I thought as I made it to the great hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. Draco sat next to me.

"Why do you look mad?" He asked,

"No reason," I said, as I put food on my plate.

"No, you're obviously upset." He said,

"You know why? Because Potter's stupid friend tried to get me to be friends with Potter- " I explained, but was interrupted as the great hall's door was slammed open.

"TROLL IN THE DUNGEON TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS! thought you ought to know." Professor Quirrell yelled before passing out. Everyone paused, staring at his passed-out body before starting to scream. I felt two people grabbed my hands. I looked up, seeing Draco had grabbed my right and Blaise had grabbed my left.

"Silences!" Dumbledore yelled. I looked up at Draco, confused, whose face was a little red as he took his hand away.

"Everyone will please not panic. Prefects, let your Houses back to the dormitories. Teachers follow me to the dungeons. "Dumbledore said,


"Of course, Potter goes and fights the stupid troll," Draco says, glaring at him from the breakfast table the next morning. We were the only two sitting there, the others were still sleeping.

"Like who is he trying to show off to? Like I would have done the same if he hadn't gone first," Draco said.

"I just want to eat my breakfast," I told him. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Listen to my rant."

"It's too long!" I signed,

"Good luck today, Potter. Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you. Even if it is against my boys." I heard Snape say to Potter, whose face was breaking out into a nervous sweat.

"And he's on the Quidditch team," he said, slamming his head on the table, and almost on his plate of eggs. I pushed his plate far from his head, so his hair doesn't get in his food. I signed as I patted him on the back.

"It's okay, eat your breakfast before we go to the game," I said. He nodded, sitting up and starting to eat his breakfast again.


We sat in the stands close to the bottom of the stadium watching the game; the Slytherins had come out first, followed by the Gryffindors. Potter looked nervous, more like ready to throw up at any second, I noticed.

"Ha! Look how dumb he looks," I heard Draco say, making him smirk.

"Quaffle's up... and straight off, taken by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor. What an excellent Chaser that girl is, and rather attractive too, I might add." Lee Jordan, an older Gryffindor, said,


"Sorry Professor!"

"Cradling the Quaffle, Angelina Johnson WEAVES wickedly past a Slytherin Chaser, DUCKS UNDER a sizzling Blµdger that Fred Weasley CHIPS AWAY, then DISHES OFF to a speeding Alicia Spinnet. Alicia FALLS into a FIFTEEN FOOTR ROLLING DIVE feeds the Quaffle back to Angelina... but has it INTERCEPTED by a slashing Marcus Flint? Flint FLIES FAST for the hoop, rears back... but has his shot BLOCKED by Oliver Wood. Wood bumps the Quaffle to Chaser Katie Bell, who ROCKETS past Flint the length of the field... only to take a Bludger to the back of the head. As the Quaffle pops loose, Marcus Flint grabs it, drives with astonishing speed back the other way, then takes a Bludger himself, courtesy of George Weasley. Angelina Johnson swoops down, snatches the spinning Quaffle, and, flying like lightning, races the field to score," Lee went on,

Potter had managed to spot the snitch, diving faster than the Slytherin seeker, Terence Higgs. Just as he was about to catch it, he gets hit by the captain of the Slytherin team, Marcus Flint. The Gryffindor's all boo at him.

"Would you guys try out for the team next year?" I ask them. There were a bunch of nos in replies.

"Draco, would you?" I ask, but he was too busy watching Potter struggling on his broom. For a second, he was about to be thrown off his broom.

"Fall off, fall off," I could hear him chant quietly.

"Take a good look, lads. With any luck we'll be having Potter soup for supper- "Someone rushes past him, and he falls back. We all gasped, looking at him laying on Professor Quill.

"Am I dead?" He asked as he opens his eyes slowly. I shook my head.

"No!" But before I knew it, Snape had caught on fire.

"Snape!" I yelled, completely forgetting about Draco. He blinked a couple of times and looked down and started screaming, trying to put the fire out. He patted the flames, trying to stop them. He finally got the flames out, putting a hand on his heart. His hands were shaking, and he gasped for air.

"Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yes, I think so," He breathed.

"You should go to the nurse," I said, pulling on his arm.

"No, I'm alright," he said, smiling lightly at me.

"Please, I would feel a lot better if you went. You just burst into flames." I said. He signed and nodded.


I walked down to my common room after Snape had gone to Madam Pomfrey and was told he would be fine.

"River!" Potter came running up to me as I came out of the hospital wing.

"Yes, Potter?" I asked.

"Hermione told me you helped Snape to Madam Pomfrey,"

"Yes, and what about it?" I asked,

"He's the worst Professor ever. Why would you help him?" He said. I glared at him, feeling my blood boiling with anger.

"He's my Godfather," I hissed.

"What?" He said, taking a step back from me.

"He's my family, and you better stop talking bad about him to me!" I yelled, glaring at him and storming off towards my common room.

The Forgotten Potter- Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now