Chapter 37 (Year 4) Third Task

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River's POV

"Are you excited?" Theo asked, the morning of the third task. I shook my head.

"More like nervous, and ready to throw up," 

"You need to eat," Daphne said, pushing a plate of my food up towards me, I nodded picking up my fork.

"This one is going to be boring, though, if we just sit there, like you said," Theo shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"You can hear me screaming every once in a while," I said.

"Don't say that" Blaise said, 

"It's true, don't worry, hopefully everything will be fine,"

"Draco, are you okay?" I asked, he was oddly quiet this morning, he looked up surprised to be addressed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He said, shrugging, I furrowed my eyebrows at him, but nodded.

He's lying,

An owl came flying towards me, dropping an envelope to me before going to Potter. I opened it confused.

Dear River,

Good Luck on your last task! I know you will do great!

Love, Sirius Black

I smiled at my card, putting it in my bag.

"Who's that from?" Draco asked.

"Oh, just my mum," I lied,

"Ms. Potter," Professor McGonagall said coming up to the Slytherin table, I looked up at her.

"Oh, hello, Professor," I said. 

"The champions will meet in the Chamber off the hall after breakfast,"


"The champions' families are invited to watch the final task, you know. This is simply a chance for you to greet them." She explained. 

"Oh, alright, thank you," I said. She nodded and walked off.

I finished my breakfast as Fleur and Cedric waved me over.

"See you later, guys!" I yelled at my friends as I stood up, before Draco quickly kissed my cheek before running out of the hall. I smiled, walking over to Cedric, Fleur, and Krum who just joined them.

I looked over at Potter, who looked at us reluctantly, as we walked out.

"I can't wait to see my parents," Fleur said.

"My mum was already at the first task, she forced Dumbledore to let her," I said.

"He's the headmaster, how can she force him?" Krum asked.

"My Mum is a very scary lady," I grinned. We walked into the Chamber; I spotted my Mum with Blaise. I ran up to mum hugging her.

"Why are you here, Blaise?" I asked.

"Mum forced me," he said,

"Shut it, Blaise, we are going to spend the day as a family." She said, letting me go. I looked around as Mum kept fussing over my robes. Cedric was talking to his family happily, Krum nodded weirdly at his parents, and Fleur was staring at a family I recognized as the Weasleys.

"River, is that your biological brother?" Mum asked, I nodded. 

"Hey! She only has one brother!" Blaise spat.

"Mum, would you like to meet my friend Fleur?" I asked, wanting an excuse to talk to her, as Potter walked in and looked surprised to see the Weasleys, but smiled brightly at them.

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