Chapter 31 (Year 4) The First Task

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River's POV

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"Get out, both of you!" I yelled, covering my head with my covers.

"No! You need to wake up early! Have a big breakfast and prepare for the task," Pansy yelled from the other side of my bed.

"No thank you, I'd rather die happy knowing I slept well,"

"You don't have a choice," Daphne yelled,

"It's my task!"

"And we have to prepare you!" Pansy yelled, they both pulled off the blanket, and I forced myself into a small ball, hanging onto my pillow, they both grabbed one arm and pulled me up.

"I don't understand why your not nervous?" Pansy said, as she opened the bathroom door, I pulled my arms away from them and tried to run to the bed again as Pansy tackled me to the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled,

"Your not going back there so easily! Come on! Up!" She yelled, getting up and pulling me along.



As we were getting finished, I realized how nervous I actually was; I tried to stay in bed all day to forget the task, but it wasn't working. On nervous legs we walked downstairs to the great hall, seeing the boys had already stacked a bunch of food on a plate. I sat down next to Blaise, and across from Draco. Draco pushed the plate towards me,

"Eat. You need it," He said,

"I'm scared that I might throw up if I eat," I said,

"You also need to keep your energy up if your going to compete today," He said, I signed and picked up a fork, picking at the eggs.

"So what's your plan?" Blaise asked, I shrugged,

"Snape and I have thought of something good,"

"Mum's taken up a room in Hogesmade, just in case," Blaise said, I nodded.

"Your not eating, your picking, eat," Draco said, I nervously took small bites of my food. This day had seemed to take forever to actually arrive, and now that it was here, I don't know what to do.


I sat in the corner with Fleur, who had finally accepted we were a part of the tournament as well.

"Are you nervous?" She asked, I nodded,

"Es, I thought so, you are 'ery young 'or this competition," She said, I nodded.

"Yes, I am," I chewed on my bottom lip as I tapped my foot on the ground.

"Are you angry about the article?" I asked, she looked at me surprised,

"Because I swear none of it is true, Rita Seekter is a big lair," I said, Fleur laughed, tossing her hair over her shoulder.

"No, no, I was at 'irst, but not now," She said,

"Good, because I never said anything like that!" I said, rolling my eyes. Fleur elbowed me,

"Cedric, he is cute, yes?" She said, I laughed.

"Very," I said. She nodded, smiling.

"Harry-o!" Bagman yelled, as Potter finally stepped into the tent,

"Come in! Come in!" He said,

"Well, now we're all here — time to fill you in! When the audience has assembled, I'm going to be offering each of you this bag from which you will each select a small model of the thing you are about to face! There are different — er — varieties, you see. And I have to tell you something else too... ah, yes... your task is to collect the golden egg!" He said, showing us a large purple silk bag,

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