Chapter 59 (Year 6)

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River's POV

"Fleur!" I yelled, dropping my bags in the living room, and pulling her into a hug. 

"'Iver! I 'ave missed you!" She said, as I let her go, smiling.

"I missed you too! I haven't seen you since fourth year, what are you doing here?" I asked. She blushed as she showed me her engagement ring.

"Merlin's ball, you're engaged! To Bill?" I asked. She nodded, flipping her beautiful hair over her shoulder.

"Yes!" She said happily, as Bill walked over to us, putting an arm around her.

"See, I knew you would like her," I said, raising my eyebrows at Bill, who laughed.

"Yes, I did,"

"Now that you've seen the happy couple, could you take your bags upstairs?" Ginny asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'm done." I said, picking my bags up and putting them in Ginny's room before changing into sweatpants and a long-sleeved black shirt.


"Aaah, George, look at this. They're using knives and everything. Bless them." Fred said at Ron and Harry as I set the table.

" I'll be seventeen in two- and a-bit months' time, and then I'll be able to do it by magic!" Ron said, annoyed.

"But meanwhile," George said, as he put his feet on the table, I glared at him.

"Feet off the table! I just set it!" I

"We can enjoy watching you show the correct use of a — whoops-a-daisy!" Ron yelped in pain as he cut his hand with the knife. I swatted George's feet away.

"You made me do that! You wait, when I'm seventeen —" Ron whipped his bloody thumb with a napkin.

"I'm sure you'll dazzle us all with hitherto unsuspected magical skills. what is this we hear from Ginny about you and a young lady called — unless our information is faulty — Lavender Brown?" Ron turned a little red, as he looked at them annoyed.

"Mind your own business."

"What a snappy retort, really don't know how you think of them. No, what we wanted to know was... how did it happen?" Fred asked,

"What d'you mean?"

"Did she have an accident or something?"

"What?" Ron said, looking at them confused. 

"Well, how did she sustain such extensive brain damage? Careful, now!" Fred turned the knife Rom threw at him into a paper airplane with a lazy flick of his wand.

"Ron! Don't you ever let me see you throwing knives again!" Mrs. Weasley yelled as she glared at Ron, who looked annoyed at his family.

"I won't. Let you see," He whispered. I chuckled a little, turning it into a cough as Mrs. Weasley looked at me.

"Oh, I need some water." I faked, cough, grabbing a cup of water.

"Fred, George, I'm sorry, dears, but Remus is arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze in with you two."

"No problem, as Charlie isn't coming home, that just leaves Harry and Ron in the attic, and if Fleur shares with Ginny and River everyone should be comfortable. Well, they'll have a bed, anyway,"

"Percy definitely not showing his ugly face, then?" Fred asked. Mrs. Weasley turned away from them.

"No, he's busy." She muttered,

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