Chapter 35 (Year 4) Task 2

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River's POV

It was a day before the second task, Draco and I sat in the common room, looking for water charms through the numerous textbooks we had got from the library. We sat on the couch; I had my back against the couch, with my legs on Draco's lap.

"I swear, I'll just hold my breath the whole time," I yelled, banging my head on the book.

"For an hour?" He asked.


"Look for a charm, River,"


"Have you noticed anything missing?" Draco asked, I shook my head,

"No, I have everything, maybe the take it when I'm sleeping," I shrugged, as a first year came up to us.

"Um, Professor McGonagall told me to come get you, Malfoy, and Potter, Snape is looking for you," The boy said.

"Thank you," I said. He nodded and ran away up to the boys' dorm.

"Why does McGonagall what to see you?" I asked.

"I don't know," We both stood up, almost tripping over the number of books present and walked out, parting ways at the exit. I walked down to Snape's office as Draco went upstairs to see McGonagall.

"Hey, Snape," I said, walking into his office.

"River, have you found anything for the second task?" He said, looking up from his book.

"I've been looking at everything, but I can't find anything,"

"Here," Snape said, handing me a piece of parchment.

I looked down at the parchment, seeing he had written a spell for me to use.

"How did you find this?" I asked,

"I've been looking for hours,"

"You weren't looking in the right places." 

"That hurts my past feelings," I said, he chuckled, rolling his eyes. 

"You should go to sleep, you have to wake up early tomorrow," Snape said.

"Alright, good night," I said. He hummed a response, looking back at his textbook.


The next morning, we stood in front of the lake waiting for the task to start; I rubbed my wand, nervously and looked up at the stands. Daphne, Pansy, Blaise, and Theo were all there, but I had no clue where Draco was.

"I'm here!" Potter yelled, running over to us, he was the last one to show up, and just in time, the task would start in two minutes. The judges were clearly not pleased. 

"Where have you been!" Percy Weasley yelled.

"The task is about to start!"

"Now, now, Percy. Let him catch his breath," Bagman said, Potter had his hands on his knees panting, clearly out of breath.

"All right, Harry?" Bagman asked.

"Know what you're going to do?" He asked, again. Potter nodded.

"Yeah," Potter stood up, massaging his ribs, Bagman nodded and went over by the stands, looking pleased. Potter came to stand next to me, still panting.

"Well, all our champions are ready for the second task, which will start on my whistle. They have precisely an hour to recover what has been taken from them. On the count of three, then. One... two... three!" The whistle blew, and I grabbed my wand, muttering the scuba spell Snape had shown me, before diving into the water, praying my spell had worked. 

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