Chapter 49 (Summer)

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River's POV

"Are you ready?" Draco asked me. I nodded. He looked at his mother who had tears in her eyes, and she nodded, opening the door for us. You know who stood smiling at us, in his seat at the head of the table where Mr. Malfoy would have usually sat, if he wasn't in Azkaban.

"Come," He hissed at us, picking up his wand from the table. He beckoned us closer; I hid my hands behind my back feeling them shaking.

"You can go first," Draco extended a pale, shaking arm to him, Voldemort grabbed his hand firmly. A gasp escaped Draco's lips. Voldemort smiled at that. He put his wand on Draco's skin. A small light came from the wand, then the smell of burning flesh filled the room. There were small tears in his eyes, but he blinked them away quickly.

The mark was finally finished, and Voldemort lifted his wand up, examining his work.

"There, you may sit down." He said. Draco nodded and hurrying over to his seat, clutching his arm to his chest. Voldemort glanced at me.

"Your turn, Potter," He hissed. I extended a shaking hand to him, his stiff hands wrapped around my wrist, his nails digging into my skin. He took his wand and placed it on my skin. A small light came out of his wand again, and my skin started burning. I grunted in pain and tried not to cry as I felt the pain in my arm. I felt myself getting light-headed and wishing that this would be done.

Finally, he lifted his wand up and looked over his work. I let out a relived breath, as he finally let me go.

"Sit down," he said. I walked away, sitting down next to Draco, who grabbed my hand under the table, squeezing it.

"Now, that we have two new members," Voldemort said, glancing at us.

"River, just like Lucius told you before stupidly getting caught, you will spy on the Potter boy, do whatever you need to, I do not care." He said, I nodded,

"Yes," I whispered.

"Draco, your task is much more important." Draco stiffened next to me.

"You're going to kill Dumbledore." We could hear gasps around the table, even some of the older death eaters looked shocked.

"K-kill?" Draco whispered; Voldemort laughed.

"Yes, you'll also need to find a way for my death eaters to enter Hogwarts. Kill him, or I can kill your precious little girlfriend," he said, glancing at me. I froze as Draco almost broke my hand from squeezing it so tight. His rings were digging into my skin.

"Yes," Draco said, looking down at the table. 

"You may leave," he said. We both stood up quickly, walking upstairs to Draco's room.

"It hurts," I whispered, looking down at my arm as we sat in his bed, tears rushing to my eyes.

"I know," Draco said, looking down at his own mark.


I stood next to Mrs. Malfoy as Draco was getting new school robes done in Madam Malkins. The door opened and Potter and his friends walked in. They glared at Draco and his Mum, barley noticing me.

"If you're wondering what the smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in," Draco hissed, looking at Granger in the mirror. He had gotten angrier and meaner towards everyone expect me, and his Mum.

"I don't think there's any need for language like that!" Madam Malkin yelled.

"And I don't want wands drawn in my shop either!" She glared at the trio who had their wands all pointed at Draco.

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