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*Edit: Just coming through and editing out my errors and all. Enjoy my book!"

It's 8:00 and dinner's ready. My mother calls me down and me and my two older brothers get downstairs, my brothers play fighting as they go downstairs. "Watch out for Kyla, Mason!" Jaxon says. I walk downstairs, a plain expression on my face.

"Boys!" my father yells suddenly. I jump at how loud he gets. "Stop with the playing!" he yells again.

"Yes sir." they both say, sitting at the table.

"Peter, calm down, they're boys." says my mother.

"Watch your tongue." father spat back.

I sit at the table, not saying anything. My father, sitting at the head of the table, looks at me with his eyebrow up.

"Kyla, where are your manners?" he says.

"Sorry father. Good evening. Good evening, mother." I say, bowing my head to both of them.

"Why don't you get up and get me a beer?" he says to me with an evil smirk on his face.

"Yes, father." I say, respectfully.

I'm always used to this treatment. Sit back, be respectful, don't put up a fuss, do what I'm told, and I'll be fine. I recall the one time I talked back to my father and denied him. I still have bruises to this day. My mother's a flower. She's sweet and she's nothing like my father. She's what an ideal mother is and looks like. She's beautiful and keeps up her image, that's where I get it from. I don't know how she got mixed up with my father and his anger, but through it all she manages to keep a smile on her face.

I go to the refrigerator and I open one of its large doors and I grab my father a beer. I return it to him with a bow and he scoffs and grabs my wrist as I walk off.

"You stupid girl! You didn't bother to open it?" he screams at me.

"I apologize, father." I say, fear starting to consume me.

"Peter let her go." my mother says calmly.

"Stay out of it, Davina." he retorts.

"I'll open it for you, darling." my mother offers.

He looks from me to my mother, and with a huff, Father lets me go and I hurriedly walk back to my seat at the table. I sit with my head down and I can feel my brothers' sympathetic eyes on me, but I'm too embarrassed to look back.

When mother serves the food, Father picks up his knife and fork and cuts savagely into his steak, taking a huge bite out of it. I pick with my food as everyone else eats and my dad's voice booms as he starts to speak to me.

"It'd be wise you eat. You're already a thin, fragile looking thing." he says, bursting into laughter.

Nobody else bothers to laugh.

"Speaking of you, I have an announcement." he says.

I raise my head getting excited.

Usually when there's an announcement, it's usually about dad and something he accomplished but now, it's for me. I wonder what it could be.

"Yes Father?" I say, trying to hide my excitement.

"I've spoken to another very powerful family in this mafia world and we've agreed on an arranged marriage." he says, a maniacal smile on his face.

My face turns pale as I process his words.

Jaxon stands up and slams his hands on the table.

"What?!" he yells. "You're giving her away?" he screams again.

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