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She looks at me, her eyes glossy and stained with tears. "Just tell me what happened.. please." she says, slowly walking toward me.

"Baby, listen to me, okay? Nothing happened. I just got a little drunk, but-"

"A little?" she questions, her nose already red. She scoffs and looks over at my desk, papers scattered everywhere, the condom wrapper still sitting there.

Fuck. I zip up my pants and her eyes go wide as she looks at the condom and back to me, and she starts to cry. Shit, I know. Bad timing. "I didn't use that."

"Yeah, no shit. The condom's not in it and it's torn open and lying on your desk, but I doubt you used it." she says, not believing a word I'm saying. "I can't believe you. I let you go out and have fun with your friends, and I agree to stay home with the kids, just so you could go out and cheat on me with some slut at the club. While I'm home taking care of our kids. Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Baby, listen, I know how this looks-"

"Don't give me that. Don't give me that bullshit! You got caught, Vixen, and you thought you wouldn't, didn't you? I bet you were just dying to do this shit. You couldn't handle your liquor or keep your dick in your pants, huh? I'm just like all the little whores who's brains you fucked out before you put this shit on my finger, aren't I? Right?" she says fidegeting with her ring.

"No, Kyla, you're not seeing this right."

"I'm not? You look a fucking mess, Vixen. You didn't leave home with your pants unbuckled and your nose and lips red, no doubt from kissing that bitch. I can't believe I trusted you. You were probably screwing around with Kandi too."

My heart shatters.

"Now that's not fair. Kyla are you serious?" I say, actually offended that she thinks that.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" she stares at me with a wet face, her arms crossed as she shakes in anger. She charges for me and slaps me, then beats me, punching me in my chest and pushing me around, screaming and crying as she takes all her anger out on me.

"You fucking bitch!" she screams at me. "I can't believe I married you! I actually thought you'd change for me! You lied to me! You son of a bitch! You fucking lied!" she says, her hits weakening as she stops beating me, crying hard. "You're... you're so full of shit. You're an asshole. I shouldn't have said yes." she says, crying.

"You don't mean that." I say, almost sure of it.

"Yes. I do. You're never gonna change."

"Kyla let me explain."

"There's nothing to explain, Vixen. It's all right here in front of me. Don't manipulate me."

"I'm not manipulating you, you're not letting me explain anything to you! You're being unfair!"

"I don't have to be fair to you! Vixen, I've went through hell and back for you. I've carried three kids that you put inside me for seventeen months of my life. I waited for almost a year for you to get out of prison. I've dealt with a child by myself and waited for you for eight months, and you think I'm being unfair? This? This.. is unfair."

She gets up and heads for the door and stops. She turns around and slides her ring off her finger. "Put that back on. Kyla, you don't know what you're doing." I say, watching her hands.

"Yes I do. Have fun being alone. I'm done with this. I'm not dealing with this after everything I've already been through. I'm going home and I'm taking the kids. I don't want them to see you like this. I don't want them seeing you and I fighting the way we are." she says, throwing her ring at me and walking out the door.

I catch it in my hand as she walks to the elevator, and I slide in before the doors close. "Kyla you need to hear me out, alright?" Tears run down her face as she looks the other way, ignoring what I have to say, but I try explaining anyway.

"She came onto me. I told her no multiple times, the condom thing was just... it gave the situation a false narrative."

"What other narrative is there? You had sex with her in your office and you can't handle the simple fact that you got caught."

"Kyla you're reading this wrong."

"No I'm not. You're really gonna try and tell me that I'm seeing things? You're even more of a liar than I thought you were."

"Kyla why are you running away from this?"

"What?" she says, confused.

"You won't even give me the time to explain what happened in there. You seriously think that I'd ever do something like that to you? After everything I know you went through? With your father? The abuse? The name-calling, the degradation- do you honestly think I'd put you through any more shit, knowing that that happened to you?"

"Don't even go there."

"But I'm being honest. You're only seeing the situation for how it looks. You don't know everything that happened and you won't give me the chance to-"

"Vixen, you can't redeem yourself, okay? I'm tired of arguing. I've been up with three babies for four hours. I need a break." she says, wiping her tears as she walks out of the elevator.

Kayno and the other boys look over at me as I walk out of the elevator, walking out of the club to follow Kyla home. When I get to the house, she's already inside. I walk in and I see Aleah's nursery light on. "Kyla, stop." I plead with her.

"Leave me alone." she says.

"Kyla, listen-"

"Stop telling me to listen!" she suddenly yells. "I'm sick of listening to your voice, just shut the fuck up!" she screams at me, scaring Aleah awake. She starts to whine and Kyla picks her up, walking around the room to get her car seat and pack her a bag. Aleah starts to call out to me from her car seat and I want desperately to grab her and hold her in my arms, but I know Kyla would just try and take her back.

And I don't wanna argue with her anymore. If she doesn't believe that I've been faithful to her and that nothing happened with Tiff, then she just won't believe it. I can't convince her to stay. She's too far gone in her own little messed up world where I can't keep my dick in my pants, apparently.

I watch from the hall as she gathers Aleah and the twins' things, then she grabs all of their seats and struggles to get downstairs with them. "Let me help." I say reluctantly. She stares daggers into my chest and then puts Harley on my arm.

He sleeps peacefully, unaware of anything that happened between his parents as I carry him downstairs. Me and Kyla put them in the car and I look into the car at them as Kyla straps Aleah in. She crosses her arms and backs up, nodding toward the car. "Do what you need to do." she says, getting in the driver's seat.

I kiss Aleah's head as she cries softly, whining for me. "I guess we're back to this. I'll see you soon, baby. Me and mommy aren't gonna be together for a while, okay? But don't cry, alright?" I say, kissing her head again. I kiss Kai's head and she stirs in her sleep.

I round the car and I kiss Harley's head as he continues sleeping. "I love you, babies." I say. When I shut the door, Kyla pulls off, leaving me standing in the drive way.

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