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I carry Aleah in her carrier as we go through metal detectors and scanners. After we get past the metal detectors, Vixen grabs my hand and has to scan his other hand and his face to get through a massive gate. When we walk to the other side of the gate, two guards step in front of me and look down at me.

"I.D please." they say.

"She's with me." Vixen says, his body tense.

"Your father demanded-"

"I don't give a damn what he demanded. Who do you work for?" he says, squaring up to the guards, making them take cautious steps back.

"You, sir." one of them say.

"Exactly, which means I can have your asses right back on the streets where you came from in a split second." he says, his hand tightening around mine.

I put my hand on his and he releases some of the tension in his hand. He huffs and fixes his tie, walking past the guards.

"That's five hundred off both your checks." he says, walking into the building.

We walk on polished marble concrete floors and it's completely quiet.

"Where is everyone?" I say, holding Vixen's hand as we walk down different halls and corridors.

"These walls are soundproof. The floors are thick enough to block out any noise coming from all the floors upstairs as well as downstairs. A gun could go off and we'd never know." he says.

"That comes with a bit of concern, doesn't it?" I say, looking over at him.

"It does. Five years ago, when I was nineteen, a guy in the sector I trained in murdered a man in cold blood while we were all taking a break in the lounge. We never knew until we came back and saw him standing over his body, laughing. The guy was crazy. The guy he killed couldn't be heard screaming through the walls." he explains.

"That's scary." I say, cringing.

"Yeah. So I took some precautions to prevent that from happening again. It's been working effectively ever since." he says.

We eventually get to a door that Vixen has to scan his hand to enter, and when it opens, all I can hear are chains rattling, guns shooting, shouting and grunting from the sparring going on in the middle of the room in a huge ring.

"I should've known it'd be this loud. I'll call Camara and Amber to come and get her." I say.

"No. She can stay here with me." Vixen says, a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Vixen, she'll be fine, I promise. I know you've got a bit of separation anxiety when it comes to her, but she'll be okay for a few hours without us, alright? I pumped before I left, so she has bottles in the fridge that she can drink when she wakes up hungry. Her uncles are there, they'll make sure she's okay, you know they will." I say looking up at him.

He grabs Leah from the carrier on me and he holds her, kissing her face and holding her close while continuing to shower her with kisses.

I smile at Vixen and Aleah as I call Amber, but it soon fades when I get off the phone and catch some girl giving us a disgusted look.

"Vixen, do you think I could do some sparring today?" I say, my eyes glued to this girl.

He looks up at me and then across the room to who I'm looking at.

"She's not worth it." he warns me.

"What do you mean it's not worth it? I wanna spar. Where are your gloves?" I say, walking up to the ring and looking for his gloves.

I find a pair of black gloves that stand out in the lineup of red gloves and I pick them up. "How'd you know those were mine?"

"Black. It's your color." I say. Then I think for a second. I want to do this with my bare hands.

"Nevermind. I'll just get my hands wrapped. I can do without these." I say, hanging his gloves up and tying up my hair.

All of a sudden, a guy walks up to us and him and Vixen exchange a look. The guy walks up and his eyes go wide when he sees the baby sitting on Vixen's arm, her head in his hand.

"A baby?" he asks.

"My daughter." Vixen replies.

"Who's the lucky girl?" the guy asks.

"My wife. Kyla, meet Kingston, King for short. King, meet Kyla."

"Beautiful." he says. "She favors you, the baby." King says, hugging me as I smile at his words. Vixen and him continue to engage in conversation. "You up for some sparring today?" he asks.

Vixen looks to me and grins.

"Actually, my wife is up to it. She needs to blow off some steam." he replies, looking at me and shrugging.

"Okay, I'm up to it." he says.

"Hit her, and you're dead." Vixen says.

"Nice one." King says, laughing.

"Yeeeah, it's not a joke. He's completely serious." I say.

We look back at Vixen and he's got a dead serious look on his face as he pats Leah's butt softly to keep her asleep.

"Yeah. Alright. You got it." King says, scurrying to the ring.

"Hey, King." I say, walking up to him.

"What's up?" he says back.

"Could you wrap my hands?"

"Yeah, sure." he says, running to get the wrappings.

When he comes back, he sits me down and starts to wrap my hands for me. I feel a little bit of tension, so I look back and Vixen's still staring at me and King, patting Leah's butt. He raises an eyebrow, silently asking me if I'm okay. I nod my head, telling him I'm fine, and he looks to the side, breaking our contact from across the room.

Me and King get in the ring and people gather on all sides of the ring as me and King circle the ring.

"Well, here I go, sacrificing my face for you." King says, making me smile.

I throw a punch and he dodges it waiting for me to attack again. I throw a punch and he leans to his right, dodging it, then I throw one to his right and he leans to the left, dodging it again. I throw another punch to his stomach and it lands, making him stumble back. He gains his balance, I throw another punch and it hits him in the face.

When he stumbles back, I trip him, sliding my foot behind him and pinning him on the ground with my knee. His lip is busted, blood oozing from it, and I wince at it.

"Sorry." I say, getting off him.

"It's fine. I like the adrenaline." he says, winking at me as he gets up.

King lifts my hand and everyone cheers, making me laugh.

"Oh please. That was nothing." a girl from the crowd says.

I look over and the crowd clears to reveal the same girl that was staring at me and Vixen across the room. Rage fills me as she looks at me with a smirk.

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