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2 days later
Vixen's POV

After a night of earth shattering sex and mind-blowing orgasms, I had to leave Kyla. She says it's bad luck to see your bride before the wedding. So here I am. Up at 9 A.M, in the biggest master bedroom Zeno's mansion had to offer, processing what's happening today as I lie in bed. I get up and I put on my slippers, brush my teeth, wash my face, then I go downstairs with sweatpants and a navy blue short-sleeve shirt on. I go downstairs to the island in the kitchen and Z's making coffee for the both of us and Camara.

"Thanks for letting me crash here last night." I say, as he slides my coffee across the table to me.

"Don't thank me. It's the least I could do for the groom-to-be." he says, winking at me as he stirs his coffee and leans onto the island. Camara comes down with Bentley and she gasps in shock for the sake of the baby.

"Who's that?" Camara says, looking down at Bentley. "That's uncle Vixen! Say hi, baby!" she says as I smile at Bentley.

She waved at me with a big smile on her face and Mara puts her in her walker as we talk.

"Good morning, boys. You guys ready to start the day?" Mara says, grabbing her coffee and kissing Z.

"I mean, hell, I have to be. I'm getting married in six hours. Knowing my wife, she's probably been up since seven." I say, taking a sip of my coffee.

Suddenly my phone rings. A smile paints onto my face as I answer.

"Yes, I'm alive." I say, laughing into the phone.

"I had to call and make sure." Kyla says, laughing back. "Did you make sure to get your tattoo the other day?" she asks.

"Yeah, it's already healed up pretty well." I say feeling behind my ear. I had to get a tattoo of the mafia crest to signify my place in the mafia. Kyla did the same in the same place to let it be known that she mine and that she's the Queen. Once our children turn seventeen, they'll get one too, in the same place. Everyone else who isn't a Reed by blood has the same tattoo on their wrists. If it fades, we get it filled. Just a mark of loyalty is all.

"That's good. I miss you." she says.

"I miss you too. Luckily I get to see you in a wedding dress today, walking down the aisle to meet me at the altar." I say with a smile on my face.

She chuckles softly and responds. "I can't wait to see how handsome you look up there. I really miss you." she says, a smile clear in her voice.

"It won't be long now. For now, just eat something, and don't go getting cold feet on me." I say, smiling.

"My feet are already pretty cold from having to walk outside to the car." she says jokingly.

"Ah. Thank god it's not snowing outside today." I say, sighing. "Anyway, I'll see you soon. I love you so much." I say, waiting for her reply.

"I love you more, Mr. Reed." she says, giggling.

Then she hangs up. When I put my phone down, I sigh. "So. What do we have to do first?" I say, looking at Z.

"Well, the boys are coming in and I've got your hair dressers and makeup artists on deck. The boys are getting ready here while you get ready in your room. By the time you're finished, all of us should be ready and we can head out. All that'll be done in about five hours, so we gotta get started, ASAP." he says, sitting his coffee cup down.

Just then the door opens and Kayno and Mark come in cheering and laughing as they run over to me.

"My man's getting married! Hell yeah!" Mark says, putting his arm around the back of my neck, nudging me and laughing.

"Fuck yeah!" Kayno says, cheering and popping a bottle of champagne.

"I'm not drinking at nine in the morning." I say, putting my hands up.

"Oh come on man!" Kayno says, begging me.

Everyone starts to beg me to take at least two shots and eventually I give in.

"Alright, alright. I'll take two-only two." I say, laughing at them.

They pour me a shot and I throw it back, swallowing it and grunting as the liquor burns my throat as it goes down, the strong flavor on my tongue. I take the second one and I close my eyes and I open them, standing up and clapping my hands together, exhaling sharply. "Alright," I say. "Let's do this." I say, as the hair and makeup artists come in with measuring tapes and thousands of pairs of shoes and tuxedos. Mara leaves to go and join Kyla as I lead them upstairs to my room and they put out a chair for me and they get started on my hair.

The boys walk in and out of my room, grabbing things and checking on me, seeing how the process is moving along. As I sit my chair, Z brings me breakfast, giving me my plate.

"Thanks, man." I say.

"You're welcome. It's hot." he says, walking out.

After I've eaten my breakfast, they do my makeup and a woman measures my foot to size my shoes. After my makeup's done, I stand up and a woman measures me for my tux and eventually we find one that fits perfectly. When I get my tux and shoes on, she polished them and fixes up my tuxedo, adding the finishing touches. She pins a boutonnière onto my jacket lapel and then backs up, taking in the finished product.

"How do I look?" I ask nervously.

"You look dashing, Mr. Reed." she says, bowing her head and smiling.

"Thanks ladies." I say, looking at myself in the mirror as I think about my future. I smile and I turn around to go downstairs.

When I arrive downstairs, everyone looks at me and they're all grinning from ear to ear.

"What? Do I have something on me?" I say, looking down at my clothes.

"Nah man." Mark says, walking up to me and hugging me. "We're proud of you. We didn't think it was possible for you to love someone as much as you love Kyla." he says.

"Yeah, bro. We're happy for you." Kayno adds, joining in on the hug, Z doing the same.

When they pull away, I look at everyone and I sigh.

This is real.

I'm getting married to the love of my life.

The rest of my life is gonna be spent with her.

And I'm happy that I finally get to have that opportunity after so long.

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