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Kyla's POV:
After we finish our movies, Kayno comes back downstairs with Amber and he tucks something in her bra, smacking her ass and whistling as she walks out. When they leave, I turn around and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Someone got lucky?" I say.

"I promise I didn't start it, she kissed me first." he says, putting his hands up. "I gave her my number, so we'll be in touch." he says, winking at me.

I laugh, turning to the other boys.

"What about you, boys?" I say to Z and Mark.

"We all got lucky tonight, am I right, boys?" Mark says, laughing and doing handshakes with the boys.

"Yeah? Well not me. I'm taking it slow." Zeno says.

"That's very sweet of you, Z." I say smiling at him.

"You going to bed?" Mark asks.

"Yeah. Vixen's probably asleep by now." I say.

"Goodnight then." he says.

All of the boys hug me goodnight and when Z hugs me, Aleah kicks, hard. "Ow! I think she likes you already." I say, rubbing the spot she kicked.

"Uncle Z's gonna be her favorite uncle. Isn't that right, Leah?" he says, rubbing my stomach, making me laugh.

"I'm gonna be the favorite. Nice try Z." Mark says.

"She didn't kick you, did she?" Kayno chimes in.

"Oh shut up, Kay." Mark says.

They start to wrestle and laugh and I go upstairs, laughing. I walk into Vixen's office and he's sitting there, smoking a cigarette and rubbing his thumb across his forehead with the same hand. I walk behind his chair and I wrap my arms around his neck, my hands going down his shirt, rubbing his chest as he inhales the smoke through his nose and blows the rest out.

"You shouldn't be around this, Kyla." he says, throwing his head back to look at me.

"Since when do you smoke?" I ask, smiling.

"I used to do it when I was 18. Mom stopped me from doing it when I was twenty, but when you got in that accident, I started again. Now I just do it as a stress reliever." he replies as he puts the cigarette out.

"What are you stressed about?" I ask, kissing behind his lower ear and his neck and jawline.

"Stocks. The people involved with trading aren't doing their jobs correctly. Now I have to pull a million dollars out of my pockets because we're in debt." he says, sighing.

"One million? What are they doing?"

"They're not paying full price for shipments upfront and it's hurting the mafia. Sometimes I wish I had someone else to put this weight on."

"You could-"

"No." he says suddenly. "Stress isn't good for the baby."

"But I-"

"I know... you want to help. But this is all on me. I'm gonna do everything I can to make sure all you ever worry about is the baby and waking up every morning to a husband that loves you, alright?"

"Why can't this be something we can both tend to? We're gonna be married next year with a baby and I don't wanna be a housewife, stuck at home cleaning and lounging around. I wanna be productive. I wanna be apart of meetings and conversations about everything that goes on in our mafia. I don't want you doing this alone, Vixen. Please." I say, pleading with him.

He throws his head back and he sighs. "After you have the baby and you've fully recovered and can get back on your feet, you can. We've only got two months left."

I smile a soft smile at him and I kiss him. "You're lucky I love you so much. Otherwise, I'd have said no." he says, kissing me again. "Now let's go to bed. I'm tired."

"Before we go, I need my watermelon." I say, walking towards the staircase.

"It's fine. Go get a shower. Take your time, I'll have it when you get out. Use the bathroom out here though. Our shower needs a bit of work done on it, I've been working on it 'cause it's making this weird noise and I'm worried about it." he says, rubbing my hip softly.

"Um, okay." I say.

I needed some relaxation time so I took a long, hot bubble bath. I lost track of time and ended up in the bath for almost an hour. I think I might've fallen asleep. I get up after finishing my bath, and I wrap a towel around myself and I walk into the room. My eyes go wide when I see a candlelit scene, rose petals strewn everywhere, and bags of Gucci, Versace, Prada, and Pandora gifts set up on the bed.

"Oh my god.. What's this?" I say, tears building in my eyes.

"Well, I know this wasn't supposed to go like this because we were kind of arranged, but I wanted this to feel real. I wanted us to get the full experience of the whole married life." he says, smiling.

He sits down on the floor where I am, tears streaming down my face, and he looks me in my eyes.

"Kyla, from the beginning, I knew you'd be the one for me, even if I was too stuck up to admit it. From the start, I was a mad man. Angry at the world for no reason, really. I was born to be heartless. To be ruthless and careless to anyone, no matter who they were. The moment you bumped into me at that party, I thought to myself, someone would be lucky to have someone like her, and I'll be damned if I wasn't the one who got stuck with you."he says, smiling. "You were beautiful, sweet, kind, and a little clumsy. You still are. I never loved anyone before. I've never had the heart to. But from the moment I knew you were mine, I've changed. And it's because of you." he says, rubbing my temple as I cry, listening to him.

"It was you who showed me that loving someone wasn't a bad thing. It was you who brought a side that I never thought I had out of me and showed me what actual love really was. You made me into a man I was scared to be before. You made me realize that I didn't have to live with hate and anger in my heart, and for that, I'll always be thankful for you, every single day. I hate it when we argue, every time it hurts a little more, because I know that any day, you could be taken away from me, and I can't take that thought. I've felt what it feels like to lose you and I don't ever want to feel that pain and grief ever again." he says, pulling out a little box.

When he opens it, my heart drops. It's a huge ring that looks like it's worth a million dollars, diamonds covering the whole thing, even the band.

"That leads me to my question."

"Vixen..." I say, trying to prepare myself for what's about to happen.

"Kyla Erin Augestine, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" he asks, looking into my eyes.

I look from the ring to him and infinite futures run through my mind. I think I want this. I know marriage comes with challenges, but I'm ready to face them, as long as I'm with him. That's all that matters. I nod my head, putting my hands to my face, crying.

"Yeah. I will." I say, hugging him and crying on his shoulder.

He chuckles while hugging me back and kissing my head and neck.

"Can I put the ring on?" he asks, laughing.

"I'm not even sure my finger has the strength to hold that thing up." I say, wiping my tears and fanning my face.

He grabs my hand and slides the ring on my finger and my eyes widen as I take it in. He wipes the tears falling from my eyes and he places a sweet kiss onto my lips.

"I love you." he says.

"I love you too." I say back, hugging him again.

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