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I wake up to sunlight pouring in through the blinds and the curtains. I stretch and something tells me to look over at the door. It's open. I get up and I put on a shirt and pants, and I walk down the hallway, looking for anybody who might've opened the door and I can't find anyone.

"What are you doing, Kyla? You're just being crazy." I whisper to myself. I turn around, my eyes closed, and when I open them, I bump into someone.

"Someone's in a rush." Leo says, grinning down at me.

"Fuck off." I say, rolling my eyes at him and starting to walk away.

All of a sudden he grabs my arm and squeezes it hard as I try and pull away from him.

"Let me go!" I yell, still trying to pull away from him.

When he doesn't let up, I yell again. "Leo, get the fuck off me!" I say, anger building up inside me.

"Get your fucking hands off her."

A dose of relief shoots through me when I hear Vixen's dominant voice behind me. In a swift motion, he pushes me away from Leo and he kicks him down the stairs, Leo's body tumbling down the staircase.

I run downstairs and I stand behind Mark as Vixen walks downstairs, a calm expression on his face as he picks Leo up by his shirt, dragging him outside and beating him, punching him in the face repeatedly. Blood drips from Leo's face as Vixen keeps punching him. Everyone stands back and watches as he continues to beat Leo black and blue. Then Daxine speaks up.

"Vixen." she calls out. He ignores her and keeps punching Leo. I start to get scared when I see that Leo's not responding to Vixen's punches. "Vixen Reed, that's enough!" Daxine yells at him. "Get up and bring your brother back inside, now." she says sternly.

Vixen stops and pants heavily, straddling Leo's unconscious body. He doesn't want to stop. Vixen only stops when he's satisfied, and I can tell by the look on his face that he's far from it.

"Vixen." Zeno says, grabbing his arm.

Vixen throws Zeno's hand off his arm with a grunt and gets up, grabbing Leo's foot, dragging him back into the house, leaving his body in the lobby.

"Kyla. Go upstairs, now." he demands, clenching his jaw with anger in his gaze. I don't put up a fight. I step from behind Mark and he stops me before I leave. He gives me a questioning look and I nod my head.

"I'm alright." I say, a small smile on my face.

'What did I say, Kyla?" Vixen says, getting impatient.

I go upstairs holding my arm, and Vixen comes up behind me, slamming the door behind him. He sits on the bed and I get a silver tray and cotton balls, along with rubbing alcohol and bandages.

"Its already 8:45. We're gonna be late." I say, cleaning the blood and bruises on his knuckles.

He doesn't respond, he just stares at the wall, trying calm down. I finish wrapping his hands at nine on the dot and we get dressed to head to the office. I wore a long sleeve shirt so I could hide the bruise Leo left on my arm. I know if Vixen saw it, we'd have a round two of what happened earlier. On the way there, Vixen's calm, but I can tell he's still tense.

"You alright?" he says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I'm okay." I say, trying not to grab my arm, pain shooting through my arm.

"I'm not dumb. Stop lying to me." he says, seeing right through me.

I hate that he can do that. He can always tell when I'm lying, and I know that now.

"You were a little rough last night. That's all." I say, trying to keep up with my lie.

"Don't blame that on me, Kyla. You know I never get aggressive enough to leave a bruise on you with my bare hands. Never. We both know that, so don't try it again." he says aggressively, clearly offended that I'd even say that.

"I'm sorry. But there's nothing wrong with me, I swear."

"Well you'll have to shower tonight, and you'd best believe I'll be getting in with you. If I see even the absolute smallest bruise on your arm where Leo had a hold on you, I'll beat his ass again, then you'll face the consequences of lying to me and wrongfully accusing me, and I promise you that." he threatens.

I can tell he's serious about what he said, and I know he's gonna live up to his promise, no matter what. The rest of the car ride is quiet and my stomach turns with nervousness, knowing I'm in trouble.

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