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Vixen's POV:
As I drive to the club, the boys and their girlfriends behind me, I talk with Kyla on the phone. "Anyway, I'm pulling up to the club. I'll call you in an hour."

"Okay. Be safe, baby." she says back.

"I will. Love you." I say.

She says it back to me and hangs up as I put my car in park. I get out and the boys are getting out too as I shut my car door. I walk in, all of them trailing behind, and I put a one hundred dollar tip on the bar top for the young lady behind the counter. "Shots. For all of us." I say.

"Gotcha." she replies, giving me a wink. I roll my eyes as she sits six shot glasses in front of me and pours liquor in all of them.

"Bottoms" Kayno says, downing his shot, the rest of us doing the same. "Aaaah. Tonight's gonna be fun." Riley says , patting the bar top.

As I drink, Tiffany, better known as Tiff, keeps passing me by, looking at me and smiling. She's a waitress. She's always had a crush on me since she landed a job here and I've never shown an interest in her. Well except once. Or maybe a couple times. We'd mess around quite a lot, but when I'd heard of my arranged marriage, I'd assumed I'd have to be faithful, even though I was a dumbass to even lay a hand on that maid. It's something my mother had taught me. After that, I let her go. Didn't bother to even look in her direction. But she still manages to give me seductive looks when she sees me.

We continue to drink and then all of a sudden, Kayno pulls me to the side, downing another shot.

"Tiff is giving you the looks." he says.

"Yeah, no shit, I can see that." I say back, irritated.

"She totally wants to fuck you." he says drunkenly.

"No she doesn't." I retort.

"Yes she does."

"Does not."

"Does to."

"Okay, even if she does, this isn't hers." I say.

"Yeah? Well it was before. She probably thinks you're still single and a fuckboy, just how you used to be." he says, downing another shot. "Whew!"

"I was not a fuckboy." I say.

"Mmmm... yeah you were."

"No I- okay, listen. I don't care about what she thinks or what she wants. She's in the past and I've moved on. I'm happy. I'm not having sex with her, I'm not doing a quickie, no head, no fingering, no nothing. Leave me alone about her. Forget it." I say, walking back to the bar as Kayno shrugs.

I down another shot, putting my head down and closing my eyes, trying to forget the conversation I just had. "I need to distract myself." I mumble, turning around to find my personal elevator. I go to the top floor of the building, my office, and I open my door, revealing a room with a desk full of papers and pens. I walk over to my desk and I see a golden wrapper sitting on my desk. "Condom." I whisper, sighing and looking away.

I look around as I sit down in my chair and my foot hits something. I pick up a bottle of aged whiskey.

I find a glass in my drawer, and I pour some whiskey into it, then I start to down the bottle bit by bit until hours later, it's all gone. I hear a knock on my door as I lie my head back on my chair and I drunkenly respond.

"Come...come in." The door opens and I see a petite figure slide through the doorway but my vision's blurred so I can't really tell who it is.

I squint, trying to figure it out, but it doesn't work. "Who are you?" I ask, my words slurred.

"Oh come on. You don't recongnize me? Not even a little?" a familliar voice comes. A woman.

"Nope. Not at all." I say, smiling as I say it.

"How about I remind you?"

"Oh, no. No thank you. All I need right now is..."

"Is me."

"Who is me? Well me is me, but I meant, who are-who are you?"

"Do you remember about two years or so ago when your visits were frequent? When we'd do what we did in this office? In that chair?"

"I think." I reply, halfway asleep. I see her figure waltz behind my desk and sit on it, looking over at me with her legs crossed. No. No, no, no, I need water. This isn't happening.

"I need to sober up. This.. this isn't right, I can't..."

I start to get up and I lose my balance, stumbling back and catching myself on my chair. I get up to try and start again, and I try to blink some of my drunken state away as I navigate through my office. "I brought some up here. I knew you'd need some after we-"

"We aren't doing anything. I need you to go. And now." I say, chugging the water.

"Well why would I do that?" she says.

I now realize that it's Tiff.

"Tiffany, leave. Thanks for the water, but now I need you to leave."

"That's no way to talk to someone who provides for you." she says, pouting.

"Provides what? Insanity?" God, she driving me up the wall.

"Insanity for pleasure? Insanity for me-"

"Get out."

"Oh come on, you're just playing hard to get."

"Tiffany I'm trying to be patient with you."


"Get out!" I yell, making her step back. She smiles and backs me against the wall, looking up at me.

One of the worst things about her.

She can't take a fucking hint. She puts her hands around my neck and I groan, annoyed.

"No, no, no, no!" I yell.

She leans in and kisses me, and I gag, feeling her slimy lips against mine as she tries to get my pants off, unbuttonibg and unzipping them. I try to push her off of me, but she doesn't let up, so I push her harder, and she goes to the floor, laughing.

"You're fucking psychotic." I say, panting.

"You used to like that about me. You loved it when I was crazy. When I'd get on top of you and ride you until we were both worn out and spent-"

"Get the fuck out! Now, goddamnit!" I yell.

She looks at me for a moment and scoffs, turning around and opening the door. She walks out and I lean against the wall, tired and ready to go home.

I wipe my red lips and I rake my fingers through my hair, looking at myself in the mirror across from me. My nose and lips are red and my hair is wild. I can tell I'm drunk. In my peripheral view, I see someone at the door. I look over and Kyla slowly walks in, looking me up and down. Fucking shit.

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