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*Before we start, I'm sorry if my book was set on complete when you guys clicked on it. I know it's confusing, I guess my finger must've slipped. Okay, bye now!*

The next day, I wake up and the thrill of my wedding day coming so soon fills me to the brim, making me smile. I turn over to see the love of my life sleeping peacefully, something I'm not used to seeing. I place soft kisses on his lips throwing my leg over his stomach as I sit up to hover over him as I kiss him.

I feel his body move beneath mine as he grunts, then I feel his hands travel to my ass to squeeze it, making me hum to myself.

"Good morning." he says, his voice deep, yet soft.

"Good morning." I say, smiling. "So, I have to go out again today." I say, moving his hair from his eyes as I look into them.

"Okay. Do what you need to do. Just-"

"Be safe. I will. I love you." I say, cutting him off and kissing him. I get up and I take a shower, then I brush my teeth, then do my skincare routine and after I'm finished, I put on some black leggings, sweatpants, a long sleeve shirt, and a puffer coat with mittens and a warm, fluffy hat and ear muffs.

"You look very warm." Vixen says, laughing as I walk over to him.

"It's snowing outside. I hate that I agreed to a winter wedding." I say, chuckling.

"At least our photos will look good and your makeup won't melt while you're sweating your ass off." he says, shrugging.

"I'd take that over shivering in heels with no socks on." I say, kissing him. "See you in a bit." I say, standing up, Vixen grabbing my hand.

"I love you." he says.

"I love you more." I say back, kissing his hand and heading for the door. I drive to a shoes store and I ask the clerk if they have and bridal shoes and she leads me right over to them.

I look at all the shoes and one in particular catches my eye. They're beautiful and they match the off white color of my dress.

 They're beautiful and they match the off white color of my dress

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"I love them." I whisper to myself. I feel someone staring at me so I turn around and I looks back and some guy in black immediately walks off and walks out of the store.

That's funny.

He has the same hat on that that other guy had on yesterday. His hair fell over his eyes the exact same way the guy from yesterday's did. And that smile. Just like yesterday. Do I have a... a stalker? It's probably nothing... but still, isn't that creepy? I rush to the clerk and I buy my shoes and I rush out of the store, my anxiety through the roof. I rush home and I walk through the thick snow beneath my feet to get to the steps of the house.

I walk in and I stop in the lobby, taking a deep breath. Maybe it's not a big deal. I'm probably just overreacting. But that can't be a coincidence. Ugh, forget it, Kyla.

I walk upstairs and I sit my shoes in the closet. Vixen sits back typing on his computer. "Hey baby. When did you come in?" he asks, his eyes still glued to his computer.

"Just now. I had to rush out of the shoe store. But it's nothing." I reassure him.

"Nothing? Why'd you feel the need to rush?" he asks, lifting his head from his work to look up at me with his eyebrow up.

I start fidgeting with my fingers and the ring on my finger. "You're fidgeting. Don't lie to me." he says, standing up and walking over to me, closing the door next to my head.

I lean against the wall and I sigh, knowing he won't stop until he gets it out of me. "I... I think I have a stalker." I admit.

"What?!" he says, nearly yelling. "And you weren't gonna tell me?" he says, putting his arm down and backing away.

I grab his shirt, getting him to stop and look down at me, a disappointed look on his face. "Don't look at me like that, please. I didn't want to say anything to you because I didn't want you stressed only two days before we get married. I just didn't want you so on edge about anything, y'know? And-and you know I hate seeing you like that, babe. And I just-"

He cuts me off, kissing me, his hand on the back of my neck, rubbing the area behind my ear as his lips move against mine, calming my senses. He pulls away and hugs me, engulfing me in his masculine, yet comfortable scent as he kisses my head.

"I get it. That was very considerate of you. But you have to let me know when you're worried, especially about stuff like that, okay?" he says, his eyebrows furrowed as he looks down at me. He lets me go and kisses my head.

"Are you mad?" I ask, looking up at him. He chuckles before answering.

"No. I'm not mad. Now, I'm going to my office. Could you check on the kids? I think they're taking their naps right now. I need to attend to a phone call and do some things for work."

"Yeah." I say, kissing his lips and walking away. I walk into all the kids' rooms and they're all asleep in their cribs. I smile at the sight and I crack their doors open to keep watch on them. My phone suddenly starts to ring so I pick it up. "Mom? What's wrong?" I say, worried. She doesn't usually call.

"Hi honey, sorry I've been so distant. Things have been happening with the mafia, I've been moving things around. Are you alright?" she says, her voice bright and warm.

"Yeah, I'm okay. What's up?" I say, going in the room to sit on the bed.

"Nothing. I was just wondering if I could keep the kids for you? Your wedding day's in two days and I want you and Vixen to be relaxed. I know children can be a lot at times." she says hopefully.

"Uhm.. yeah. That'd be great, thanks mom." I say, smiling.

"It's no problem. The boys have been asking where their nieces and nephews are anyway, so it'd be good for them." she says, laughing.

"Well, I'll go talk to Vixen about it, see what he says. Most likely, they'll be coming today." I say.

"Amazing. I love you honey." my mom says, her voice soft and loving as she says it.

"I love you too, mom. Tell the boys I said hi and that I love them too." I say, biting my lip as I smile.

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