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2 months later

I wake up in the middle of the night next to Kyla, her body wrapped around mine as my head rests comfortably on her breasts. She sleeps and breathes peacefully, her hands resting in my hair, so I don't bother to move. My phone starts to ring, so I pick it up, staying in place so not to interrupt Kyla's rest.

"Hello?" I say tiredly.

"You don't honestly think it's over, do you?" he says.

I sit up urgently, Kyla's thigh resting on mine. My hand grips her thigh as I listen. "Who the hell is this?" I say, my eyes darting everywhere.

"You figure that out. Until next time."

Then the phone call ends. What the fuck was that?

"Baby, what's wrong?" Kyla says sleepily, rubbing my hand that grips her thigh.

I loosen my grip and I look back at her as she opens those beautiful grey eyes. "It's nothing, babe. Go back to sleep, alright?" I say, kissing her softly. "I'll be back, okay?" I say, rubbing her thigh.

"Where are you going?" she asks, sitting up and sitting on my lap, hugging me. I rub her back as I respond.

"The base. There's some things I have to check on."

"Just stay with me 'till the morning. I don't want you to leave yet. I think I'll worry too much." she says, rubbing my arm.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'll be back, alright? I need to go." I say, rubbing her head.

"I love you." she says.

I smile, kissing her head. "I love you more. Go to bed." I say, kissing her head again.

She climbs off of me and lies back down, holding my hand. As I get up, her hand slowly slips from mine, and eventually, she falls back asleep.

I get ready and I leave a kiss on Kyla's head before I walk out. I check on the kids before I walk out and they're all sound asleep. I check the time and it's 4 A.M. A boss's job is never done I suppose.

I arrive to the base and I scan my face and hands to get through all the security and when I'm inside the base, my assistant greets me. "Cici." I say.

"Mr. Reed. What was so urgent?" she asks, walking quickly next to me.

"I got a phone call this morning. I need you to get the team to trace it, now."

"Yes sir. I'll get on that now." she says, scurrying off.

"Thank you." I say. I walk to the training room and there's barely anyone there, so instead of going to the training room, I go to the workout room.

I take off my suit and I find a change of clothes to workout in. I pull out a pair of sweatpants and I slide them on, then I find some boxing gloves and wrappings to wrap my hands with it.

I slide on my gloves and I go inside the ring where there's a punching bag hanging in the center. For almost two hours I go at it, punching the bag, grunting at sweating hard at this point. I look over to my water bottles and I realize all three of them are empty. I catch something by the benches in my peripheral and I look over and one of the girls, Cassidy is sitting there watching me.

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