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Vixen's POV:
Oh my God. What in the actual fuck. Kyla's water just broke. I knew this shit would happen, that's why I wanted to skip tonight. I'm so glad she's not contracting right now, or else, this would be a hundred times harder.

"Oh God. There goes a contrac- shiiit!"

"Fuck." I say, panicking. "Z, grab my phone and call the midwife. Her name's Mia. Do it, now! I'm taking her home." I say, picking her up. "Does this make it worse?" I ask her as I pick her up. She quickly nods her head as I rush to the car. "I'm sorry baby. We need to get home though, it's not safe having her out in the open. Too much paparazzi."

When I get to the car, I put her in and she turns around, putting her arms on top of the seat where the back windowshield is and I get in the car. Z gives me my phone and the boys and their girlfriends get in their cars to follow us home.

"Step on it. Go straight home." I tell the chauffeur. He steps on the gas and we rush home as Kyla breathes through contraction after contraction, pushing back and forth to try and ease her pain. Her breathing becomes shakier as I notice tears starting to fall from her eyes.

"Baby, you're gonna be just fine. I promise." I say, rubbing her back. She nods her head side to side quickly and puts her head in her arms.

"It's not me that I'm worried about. What if I can't deliver her? What if something goes wrong?" she says, now crying through a contraction.

"Listen to me, baby, okay? You and the baby are gonna be just fine. I know that you're scared, hell, I am too. But no matter how hard things get tonight, you and our baby girl will be alright, you can hold me to it, alright?" I say, rubbing her lower back.

She sniffles and nods her head, moaning in pain as another contraction hits. She lets out a whimper and looks at me with teary eyes.

"What's the matter, baby?" I ask, looking her over.

"I wanna push." she says.


"Don't. Not until we get you home. We need to get you somewhere you're comfortable birthing her first. I know it sounds like a lot right now, but hang in there, okay?" I say, to her as we pull up to the house.

She stops contracting long enough for me to pull her out of the car and I rush her inside and up to the room, immediately stripping her clothes off, leaving nothing but her bra on.

The boys burst in the room, the girls behind them, and they all look at Kyla, breathing through another contraction.

"Girls, I need you. One of you take her makeup off, one of you go and get her as many bottles of water as you can find, and the other, stay there with her and help her breathe through her contractions. Go." I say, running some warm water in the bathtub and taking my tux jacket off, leaving my white shirt on.

I call the midwife and as soon as it starts ringing, she comes into the room with all her materials. "I'm here." she says, sitting her things down.

"It's about time, Mia. She said she's feeling the urge to push, so let's get on with this." I say, getting her in the bathtub.

"Let me check mama and baby's vitals, then we can get started." she says, checking their heart rates and Kyla's blood pressure. "Okay, we're ready to push. Vixen, I need you in front of her, hold her hands, help her breathe, attention's on you, okay? I'll stay back here and catch baby when she comes out."

Amber comes in with water bottles and she sits them all next to me as I stoop down in front of Kyla as she breathes heavily, in and out, and I grab her hands, as she looks into my eyes.

"Good luck, Kyla." Amber says, walking out and shutting the door.

"You ready, Kyla?" Mia asks. She nods her head as she breathes steadily. "On three. One, two, three, push!"

She squeezes my hands, pushing with her eyes tightly closed. When Mia hits ten, Kyla stops pushing and tries to catch her breath. "Breathe baby, in and out like we practiced." I say, guiding her breathing.

"Here we go, deep breath and push on three, ready? One, two, three, push honey, push!" She begins to push again, trying her hardest not to make a sound as she whimpers softly. When she stops pushing, she lies her head on my shoulder, exhausted.

"I know. I know, baby. She's almost here, okay?" I say, rubbing her back and kissing her head as she cries on my shoulder.

"Okay." she replies, wrapping her wet arms around me, drenching my shirt with water.

"Baby's crowning. I'd say three pushes and she'll be here." Mia says, smiling.

"When you're ready, give me a big push, alright?" Mia says.

Kyla breathes in and out, then takes a deep breath and pushes hard, squeezing my hands and screaming at the top of her lungs. When she stops pushing, she lies back down on my shoulder and grabs a water bottle and drinks some water. I grab a towel and I pat her face dry of sweat as she catches her breath.

"Keep going, Kyla, she's almost here." Mia says.

After ten more minutes of screaming, sweat, and pushing, there she is.

My precious baby girl. Aleah Regan Reed.

Her cries fill the air between me and Kyla as she cries on my shoulder. I kiss her forehead and rub her back as she cries, watching Mia weigh the baby and cut her cord. Kyla sits back and Mia gives Aleah to her. Kyla grabs her and puts her head on her chest, rocking her and talking to her as her tears fall onto Leah's little stomach as he fusses. After they have their skin to skin time, Kyla hands her to me and when I hold her onto my chest, she stops fussing and wiggling, and a small smile shows itself on her face.

Feeling her skin on mine is a different kind of feeling. I tighten my grip a little on her, scared to let her go as her fragile body lies against my chest. Her little eyes open and I hold her in my hands, smiling as Kyla looks down at her, admiring her. She has beautiful blueish-green eyes and her beautiful brown hair feels like silk as I rub her little neck. Everything about her is so little, like the tinyest little movement could hurt her, no matter how small my movements are.

She looks just like her mother. Everything about her, from her head to her toes. I stare at her in wonder and it's just then that I feel eyes on me, but I don't mind it as I pepper little kisses onto her little face.

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