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Kyla's POV:
I sit on his lap, looking into his eyes as he begins to tell me what happened. "At first I was drinking. I didn't wanna drink too much in the first place because I knew I had to come home, so I took a couple shots. She was looking at me every time I would see her and I already knew what she wanted. Back when I wasn't very... respectful of women, I used her. When I was frustrated, I'd use her, when I was stressed, I'd use her, even when I was just bored... I'd use her. When I heard about our marriage, I thought I'd hate it, but still, I let her go to be faithful to you. My mother always taught me to be faithful because my father wasn't really a great example."

"He cheated on Daxine?"

"He did. And I'd never let him forget it."

My heart twists with sympathy when he says that.

He shakes his head and continues. "Anyway, the other night, me and Kayno talked about her. It got me upset so I went to my office and I was roaming around, looking at stuff. I came across an old condom I had used and... it was stupid not to throw it away. I sat down and I found some whiskey so I sat down and drank the whole bottle. When I started getting all the after effects, I knew I had fucked up. Then Tiffany walked in. My vision was blurred so I thought it was you but I wasn't one hundred percent. She kissed me and it didn't feel like you, so right then, I knew I had to sober up and get home. She kept throwing out hints about wanting to have sex with me and I said no and told her to leave. I'd told her multiple times to leave, but she didn't. She backed me into a wall and started kissing me again, so I tried pushing her off of me, but she had a good hold on me. I was weak. She proceeded to unbuckle my pants and I finally managed to push her off of me and after that, I told her to leave again, and she did. That's when you came in." he says, looking up at me and waiting for an answer.

I process everything and I hug him again, sniffling. "I'm so sorry. I know you would never do anything like that to me. I was dumb to believe anything happened, and again, I'm sorry for not giving you the chance to explain yourself. And I won't let anyone else come between us. I love you. I really do."

He kisses my temple and rubs my back, breathing me in, then out, lying back with his arms wrapped around me as he tilts onto his side. "You notice this was our first big argument, right?" he says, rubbing my thigh.

"We've always tried to avoid it, I guess. Plus I don't think either of us would want Aleah or any of the kids listening to us argue."

"You're right." he says, burying his face under the side of my face on the blankets, his words muffled. He reaches back onto his nightstand and he grabs something. I look down and it's my ring. I sigh, remembering what I did.

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have taken it off. I know I stepped too far taking it off and I knew that doing that told you that I didn't want this anymore. And I know, I know I said I was done, but-"

"You came back, didn't you?" he says, pulling his face from underneath mine. He raises his eyebrow and asks again. "Didn't you?" I nod my head and he kisses my bottom lip. "Okay then. Whatever happened, just happened. It's over now. I understand that you only said those words out of anger and that you're sorry about it, so just forget it ever happened. We have each other back and that's all that matters right now. I know that it makes me sound a little desperate but so what? I'm just grateful that we were able to come back to each other with no hard feelings or tension, y'know?"

He places a kiss on my head as he slides my ring back on, and I kiss him, running my fingers through his soft, wavy, loose curls. When we pull away, he leaves another long and lingering kiss on my lips and lies down, his face in the cradle of my neck, his warm breath tickling my neck as he breathes peacefully, drifting off to sleep. I hear a soft knock on the door and Amber peaks her head in the door, smiling.

"Can me and Riley go and get the twins from Lyilah? Riley can't help herself. She wants to be a super aunt today."

"That would be so nice of you guys. Thank you." I say, relieved.

"You're welcome. It's not like you can do much with Vixen sleeping like a big baby on you. Apparently, all of us complain about the boys suffocating us with their bodies when they're asleep."

"I guess they really are brothers." I say, laughing as Amber chuckles, closing the door behind her.

Minutes later, when I know Vixen's in a deep sleep, I wiggle out of his arms and I sit up, running my hands through my hair as I sigh, taking deep, relaxing breaths. Vixen's arm wraps around my stomach and he pulls me back, grunting. "Where are you going?" his deep voice comes, vibrating my body.

"Shower. Riley and Amber went to get the twins. Aleah's still downstairs with the boys." I say, taking my shirt off and throwing it to the floor and standing up

I feel his aura behind me as he rises, his hands wrapping around my waists as kisses my shoulders, unclipping my bra and pulling my left bra strap off my shoulder, his fingers like fire as they run across my skin. I hum to myself as he kisses the back of my neck, moving to the left side of my neck as he rubs the other side. He pulls on my other strap and pulls it off my shoulder, his hands moving to my head to pull down my hair, putting my hair tie on his wrist, moving his hands down my stomach to put his fingers under the lining of my panties, tugging them down and letting them drop to the floor. His hand slides down my stomach, and right before he can touch me, he pulls away. "You're not getting in?" I say, on edge and shaking with need and arousal.

"I need to go to work. There's some things I need to take care of." he says, walking to the sink to wash his hands and splash cold water on his face, clearing his head. He dries his face and grabs my facial cream and puts some on his face, grabbing my hips and placing a kiss on my lips before walking to the door.

"I love you. I'll be back by midnight."

"Midnight? That's twelve hours from now."

"I know, I know. I need to attend meetings and discuss trade and the expand of the mafia. I need to run around the city to collect the guys too, so it'll take a while. Then I need to catch up on training. I'll come by and pick you up at eight so you can watch. Only if you want. Call me and let me know." Then he winks at me and shuts the door.

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