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I walk downstairs, waiting for Amber and I look up and Vixen's looking at me with a stern glare. "What?" I say, looking back at him.

"You're not going out like that, are you?" he says, looking me up and down.

"Uhm.. yeah." I say, smiling.

"No. Take it off." he says, walking up to me.

"Why? What's the problem?"

"Look in the mirror." he says, pointing to the mirror.

I step in front of the mirror hanging by the door, and I look at myself, shrugging. "I look fine." I say, laughing, while staring at myself.

"No. First of all, these." he says, walking up behind me and grabbing my boobs.

"Babe!" I say, giggling. "What's wrong with you?" I add.

"These shouldn't be visible." he says, pulling my dress up to cover them.

"Vixen, I look fine, stop it!" I say, still laughing.

"Now you're showing your ass." he says, looking at my ass and sighing, rubbing his forehead.

"Vixen, I'll be fine." I say, pulling my dress down and kissing him as he pulls me into him, firmly gripping my waists.

"Where are you guys going?" he asks.

"The Red Room." he say, quickly.

"Oh no. No, no, no, that's where all the mobsters go to fuck on women and get drunk out of their minds, then they end up doing something stupid like getting in huge fights and-"

"Vixen. Please. Nothing is going to happen, okay? I'm with Amber and Riley, they'll watch me. Don't worry about it." I reassure him. My phone starts ringing and I see that Riley's calling. "They're here. I love you. I'll call you when I'm ready to leave, I promise." I say, kissing him before letting his hands go.

"Love you too." he says back as I walk outside to Amber and Riley.

"Hey girlfriendddd!" Amber says, kissing my cheek.

"You look hot, Kyla!" Riley says, squealing.

"Are we ready?" says Amber.

"Let's go." I say. We get in the car and we drive off to the club. When we're there, we give the bouncer our I.Ds and we go in and go straight to the bar. We get a drink and I suddenly feel someone push into me.

"Woah, watch out..." this guy says turning around. When he sees my face, he grins and licks his lips. "That's not what I expected." he says, looking me up and down.

"You gonna apologize or just stand there?" I say, laughing.

"Yeah, uh... I'm sorry. That's on me." he says, still checking me out. He has his brown hair pulled up at the back of his head, with tattoos all over him, a nose piercing and rings on almost every finger. "I like your dress." he says coming closer to me.

"I like your piercing." I say back, not sure what to say.

"You seeing anyone?" he asks, leaning onto the bar top and making eye contact with me.

"I'm engaged." I reply, holding up my hand. He whistles, looking at my ring,

"Big rock. Who're you engaged to?" Oh shit. Think of something! Quick!

"His name is Carlos. I love him to death." I say, giving him my best smile. "Carlos... he in the mafia or is he just hella rich? Rings like that, only us big guys can afford. How much did he get it for?"

"Three thousand." I say, making up a lie. "Oh come on. A big ring like that couldn't cost only three grand."

Fuck. Just keep up with your lie. Do something!

"Okay, it was a couple thousand dollars. You're in the mafia?" I say, circling back, avoiding the question.

"Zenali. I'm the head of the mafia." he says confidently.

"That's cool." I say, smiling.

"You didn't answer my question though. He in the big leagues or what?" he says, leaning down to look me directly in the eyes.

"No. He owns a couple businesses around the world. Makes good money." I say.

"Hm. Why don't I believe you?"

"Believe what you want. I could be lying to you. Would you tell a stranger your whole life story if they asked?" I say, arching my eyebrow. He laughs and I smile.

"You're cute" he says.

I smile, then I hear Amber calling me. I look back at this guy and I smile kindly. "I have to go." I say.

"Not before I get your name." he says, arching his eyebrow.

Give him your middle name I guess.

"Erin." I say, looking up at him.

"Erin.." he says. "That's pretty. Malvo. See ya, then." he says.

I turn around and I feel his eyes on me as I walk over to Amber. "Whatcha doooin?" she asks, slurring her words.

"Are you drunk, Amber?" I say, laughing.

"Just this much." she says, making a small space between her thumb and index finger.

"Where's the bathroom?" I say, looking around.

"Over there in that corner." Riley says, pointing. "You have to go through the red room." she adds.

So The Red Room actually has a red room? Wonder what they do there. Maybe it's just a VIP room. I walk into the room full of red lights and as soon as I open the door, the smell of alcohol and sex slaps me in the face. "Oh my god. In public?" I say, gagging.

I walk through and I bump into something. I look up and it's some guy. "Hey, Malvo! This the chick?" he says.

"What are you talking about? Excuse me." I say, walking around him. He grabs my wrist and laughs.

"Aye Malvo! Come get her!" he says, not letting me go. "Let me go!" I say, fighting him off. When my wrist slips from his grip, I run to the bathroom as they whistle, telling me how good my ass looks.

These guys are disgusting.

I run into the bathroom and I pull my phone out, feeling intensely uncomfortable. I dial Vixen's number and he picks up almost immediately. "Hey. What's wrong?" he says.

"Vixen, I wanna go home. I don't wanna be here anymore." I say, my breaths coming out shakily.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I was going to the bathroom and a guy grabbed me and called over this guy that I had met earlier. I was in the red room and-"

"Say no more. What did this asshole look like?"

"The guy that grabbed me was tall and he had on a dark shirt. He didn't have any hair, and he was strong and built. The other guy that I'd met was also tall, he has a nose piercing and he's got brown hair and rings all over his hands. He's covered in tattoos from his neck and into his shirt."

"I'm on my way. Stand outside and wait for me. Nevermind, it's cold. Just stay inside with Amber and Riley. I'll be there in five minutes. I can't promise I'll behave." he says, then he hangs up.

"Fuck." I sigh. I knew I should've never came.

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