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Vixen's POV:
We arrive at the ball and I carry Aleah on my arm as I pocket my keys, me and Kyla walking in, cameras flashing and paparazzi asking questions. When we enter the ballroom, Kyla smiles and lets go of my arm, running into the crowd.

"Kyla?" I say, confused, a small sense of urgency in my tone. I follow her in and she hugs her brother, squealing in excitement.

"Jaxon!" she says, kicking her feet excitedly.

"It hasn't been that long, Kyla." he says, smiling.

"Still! I miss you guys every time you leave." she says, getting down and fixing her dress. "Mason, you look nice. Real handsome."

"For the first time ever." Jaxon snickers, him and Kyla picking at him.

"Yeah, yeah. This look took me two hours, so this is the best Mason you're gonna get." he says, chuckling.

"Vixen." Jaxon says, shaking my hand.

"Jaxon. How's ruling going for you?"

"Man, it's a struggle, I don't see how you make it out alive every day." he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It gets easier with time. Once you learn all the ropes, light work. Build a reputation. Choose how you want the people to see you. I got my reputation from my father. It immediately fell on me as soon as I was born, so it's probably gonna be the same for you. My reputation kind of fell through though because the most ruthless and merciless being on the planet is in love, but people still see me as they always have. You're powerful, so project it." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Thanks. I guess I'll learn in due time."

"If there's anything you need, you can always call."

"Of course. Thank you." he says, patting my shoulder. I smile and I take a seat at the front of the room where me and Kyla are to sit, and I see her with Davina at the punch bowl. The boys are scattered around the room with their girlfriends talking, then suddenly the doors open and I see King across the room walking in, Kendall and her friends walking in behind him.

"Fuck." I say, putting Aleah in her stroller next to my seat. I look over to Brad, Raymond, and Lance, my guards, and I give them a threatening look. "Protect her with your life or I'll take it myself."

"Yes sir." they reply in unison, drawing their weapons.

"Watch where you aim those things." I say finally, walking over to King. "King, why the hell is she here?" I say, looking at Kendall, my eyes locking with hers.

"We were informed about a party being hosted by you and the Mrs. and we were all ordered to come. They said we should come, we're a part of the mafia after all. The also mentioned that mafias from other states were coming so it'd only be right to attend." he says, a look of concern on his face.

I sigh, rubbing my forehead and I look back up at King, a lethal look on my face. "You don't let her anywhere near Kyla. Kyla is absolutely dangerous when she's pissed off and as much as I'd hate to admit it, she gets that from me. Kendall has a way of getting under skin pretty easily, and as you can tell, that's not a very good combination."

"Of course. Nothing's happening tonight."

"Get some of my guards on standby. Two of them should be standing next to Kyla, immediately. They are to follow her anywhere she goes, even inside the bathroom if it's absolutely necessary, not actually inside with her but-"

"I get it, Vixen. I've got it." he says, walking away to get my guards on standby.

I fix my tux and I run my hand through my hair as I look back to check on Aleah. I walk over to Davina and Kyla to check on them. "Ladies." I say, hugging Davina with a kiss on her head. I grab Kyla's waists and I kiss her on her head. "You guys alright?"

"We're fine baby, thanks for asking." she says, smiling at me. I love the way she looks at me. It makes me feel good knowing she's happy with me.

"Alright then. I'll leave you two alone." I say leaving a kiss on Kyla's lips before trying to slip away. With my lips on hers, she hums to get my attention and pulls away, rubbing her lips together.

"You're not intruding, Vixen." she says, taking a sip of her champagne.

"No, it's fine, babe, Aleah's with the guards and I'm getting a little worried, that's all." I reply, looking down at her.

"Vixen, the past seven weeks have been you and Aleah. Let go, just for a little, even if it's just for ten minutes." Kyla says, rubbing my arm and looking up at me with a pleading look on her face.

"I'm sorry. I just.. I don't wanna risk anything with her." I say, wincing.

"That is his baby girl after all." King says, walking up to us.

"King, hi!" Kyla says, hugging him.

"Hey mama," he responds, hugging her back. "You look beautiful." he says.

"Thank you, King. You look nice as well." she replies, smiling. I pull King to the side and I whisper in his ear.

"Where's Kendall?"

"Don't worry. She won't be coming anywhere near Kyla."

"You'd better keep it that way." I say, walking back to my seat next to Aleah.

Minutes later I'm feeding Aleah a bottle as I watch over the party. King is mingling with women who don't have a date and the boys and their girlfriends stand scattered across the room, talking and laughing. I look back down at Aleah and I freeze. I look back up and I don't see Kyla where she was before. I look around and I see Kendall sneaking past my guards and into the bathroom with what looks like....

Oh shit.


I put Aleah in her stroller and I nod to my guards, telling them to watch her, and I then rush to find King. When I find him, I drag him from the conversation he's having and over to the bathrooms. "What's going on?" he asks.

"Kendall and Kyla are in the bathroom together. Kendall walked in after her with a knife."

"Shit. We need to help Kyla."

"Yeah, no shit. And it's not Kyla I'm worried about. If Kyla isn't good at anything, she's good with bullets and blades. She keeps a pistol I gave her on her thigh, and she can easily turn that blade on Kendall."

"Holy shit. I feel like I'm in a movie." King says, smiling big and wide.

"Not the time, King." I grumble as we reach the bathrooms.

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