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Kyla's POV:
Vixen slowly goes to the door and he takes a deep breath before opening it and pointing it at whoever's at the door.

"Vixen! Hi!"

A woman with silver hair and green eyes, red cheeks, and braces comes in and throws herself onto Vixen, hugging him. Now jealous and angry, I back away from Vixen and I clear my throat loud enough for everyone to hear. As the girl giggles, Vixen putting her down, she looks over to me and gasps. "Oh.. my gosh! You're his fiancé!"

"Yeah, and who are you?" I ask.

"Kyla, meet my cousin's girlfriend, Star. Star, meet Kyla. You already know what she is to me, obviously. She's really friendly, but she's a beast on the inside. Only when she has to be of course." Vixen says, introducing us.

I flush red at my mistake. "I'm sorry for pouncing on him like that. It's just been years since I've seen him. Rome come in, it's cold outside!" she says, waving some guy over.

He has a white streak in his jet black hair, and he has tattoos all over his body, and both of his ears are pierced, just like Vixen's. He's got two lobe piercings in both ears. He looks intimidating and quiet.

"Roman, what's up man? How's school?" Vixen asks, not hugging him and keeping his hands in his pockets. Why isn't he hugging him? And school? I'm confused right now.

"It's good. Football's great too." he says with no emotion.

"You guys coming to stay or what?" Vixen asks, grabbing my hip and pulling me into him, my face resting on his chest as he rests his head on mine. Then his hand travels down my back, rubbing my ass. I grab his wrist and I look up at him, my eyes wide.

"I can't touch you now?" he whispers.

"Not in front of your cousin!" I whisper violently.

"Oh, relax." he says, continuing to do what he's doing. "Like I was saying." he continues.

"If you'd like us to, we'd be happy to stay!" Star says, grabbing Roman's hand.

"Of course. We could use the extra help. There are some rooms upstairs, pick one and have at it. What's ours is yours." he says, smiling.

Hours after they've chosen a room and unpacked, Star comes downstairs to the kitchen where I am and sits in front of me. She holds her hand out to me and I shake it. "Star Hollingway." she says, smiling.

"Kyla Reed." I say, kindly.

"So. You're engaged. How's that?" she asks, skipping to the refrigerator to grab some apple slices.

"Challenging at times, but I manage." I say, snickering. "How old are you by the way? Vixen mentioned that your boyfriend was in school?" I ask, fidgeting with my ring on my finger.

"I'm seventeen. Roman's just turned nineteen. He's in college. You?" she asks, biting her apple slice. "I'm twenty-one, Vixen's about to be twenty-six." I say, smiling as I think about him.

"That's cool." she says. "How long have you guys been together?"

"Almost two years." I say, grinning.

"Wow. Any kids?"

"Three actually. Two girls and a boy. Aleah is my firstborn and the twins are Kai, the middle child, and Harley. My baby boy, the youngest."

"Awwww. How cute! Where are they?"

"With my mother and brothers."

"Brothers? What are their names, all of them?" she asks.

"Jaxon, Mason, and Davina, my mom." I reply.

"What happened to your dad?" she asks.

I freeze at the mention of him.

"He.. he died a year ago. It's nothing though." I say, giving a quick smile.

The doorbell rings and I look back, at the door. Through the window, I can see mom and my brothers walking up the steps to the door.

"Speaking of, my mom and brothers are here with the kids. Baby! Mom's here!" I yell upstairs as I walk to the door, putting my hair behind my ear. I hear Vixen's footsteps as I open the door.

"Kyla, baby! How have you been?" my mom asks, putting Aleah down. She runs to my leg and hugs me as I hug my mom.

"I've been good, mama. Did they give you a hard time?" I ask her, kissing her cheek.

"Not at all! They're angels!" she says, smiling from ear to ear.

"Good. Hey, mommy's baby! I've missed you!" I say, cooing at Leah as I kiss her all over, making her laugh.

She starts to fight to get down and I put her down as Vixen laughs, Aleah rushing into his arms.

"Dah!" she says, Vixen kissing her little face as he sits on the floor with her.

"Mom, it's freezing out here." Jaxon complains from behind her. As she walks in, letting the boys in, I smile, looking at them both.

"Jaxon." I say, walking in for a hug as he sits Harley down. I hug him tight as I stand on my tip toes.

"I've missed you." he says, rubbing my back.

"I've missed you." I say back.

"Save some love for me." Mason says, laughing. I hug him and I let go of him.

"What happened to your hands and knees, sis? You get in another fight?" Jaxon asks, punching the air.

"Something like it. We won." I say, smiling

"Well, as long as it wasn't you who lost, I'm happy." Mason says, laughing.

Hours later, after everyone's left and the others are either in bed or downstairs watching movies, me and Vixen put the kids to sleep and go back to the room together, taking our clothes off and walking into the shower. As the water pours onto my head as I smooth my hair down, letting the water run onto my face and down my body, I feel myself being wrapped into Vixen's strong arms, making me chuckle softly.

"What's the matter?" I say, grabbing his wrists.

"Nothing. I'm just having one of those moments." he says, closing his eyes as his lips rest in my wet hair.

We stay quiet, letting him have his little moment, until I speak. "I think we should get a babysitter." I suggest.

"A babysitter?" he says, grabbing his washcloth and his body wash, lathering it with soap before squirting some of his body wash onto it to wash himself.

I do the same.

"I think we should find some babysitters and interview them before discussing their pay and salary and all that." I say.

"How much a year are you talking?" Vixen asks.

"I was thinking ten grand, which is about eight thirty three a month, two hundred eight every week, which is almost thirty dollars a day."

"Okay, mathematician." he teases.

"I might've done some calculations earlier." I say, smiling.

"We can do it. Tomorrow. I'll look up some nannies in the area and we'll go over it together in the morning."

"Perfect." I say, turning around and standing on my tip toes to kiss him.

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