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Me and Vixen get back to the house and Leo's lying back on the couch, holding an ice pack on his face. I can't see the damage, but I know its bad. A doctor walks out the door and Kayno walks up to me and starts to speak before Vixen shuts him up.

"I don't care about what that doctor said. He deserved what he got." he says. Kayno closes his mouth and backs away as me and Vixen walk upstairs.

"Now I need to head to school. Lyilah and Cray are probably worried sick." I say.

"Or they're probably fucking each other in the bathroom, the only thing on their mind being an orgasm." Vixen says, climbing in bed.

He's probably right. Lyilah being with Cray has changed her completely. The team's changed Cray too. Cray used to be a nerdy cornerback who reads books and poetry and wants nothing for Lyilah but happiness. Lyilah used to be a bright, super nice, friendly girl who cared about school and grades. That was her top priority. Now Lyilah's a bully with the rest of the team, so is Cray. They do anything in public, make out, grope and rub down on each other and, ugh. I never thought Lyilah was that type of person. About Lyilah and Cray and bathrooms, that's their thing too. Anytime Lyilah needs to go to the bathroom, nine times out of ten, she's going to have sex with Cray. And everyone knows they do it, but they're scared to talk about them because everyone kisses their asses. They're like the queen and king of the school. Regardless, I still love her the same way I did before she changed.

When I finish straightening my hair, I grab my book bag from next to the door and I start for the door.

"No kiss today?" Vixen asks, looking at me with his hands resting behind his head.

I smile, running over to him. "I'm running late. I need to go." I say, leaving a kiss on his lips before running to the door.

"Call me when you're out so I know when you should be here!" he yells after me.

"I will! Love you!" I yell. Then I walk out the door and I run to the car, starting it, and backing out.

When I get to school, Lyilah and Cray are standing at the entrance eating each other's faces off.

"Ewww. You guys are gross." I say, gagging.

"Oh come on, you've kissed Vixen a million times." Lyilah says, looking over at me with a red mouth and nose.

"Yeah, but I don't try to devour his face." I say, smiling at them.

"Reed. What's up?" Cray says, pushing my arm.

"Cornerback. How was the game last night?"

"Good. We whipped Bradford's ass, fourty-two to six. I bet they were crying their little asses off in the locker room." Cray says, chuckling.

"My god. They were supposed to be good. At least that's what I heard." I say, shaking my head.

"Yeah? Well they were ass." Lyilah says, laughing. "By the way, where's pretty boy?" she adds.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him in a bit." Cray says.

"He's at home, working." I say.

"He's always working. And from home at that. Wonder what kind of job he has, 'cause I'd love to work from home, anytime." Lyilah says.

"We need to get to class now, Lyilah." I say, changing the subject.

"Shit. You're right. Bye babe." she says, kissing him and walking off.

At the end of the day, I leave the school and I call Vixen to let him know I'm coming back.

"I'll see you in a bit. Love you." I say, smiling.

"I love you more." he says, hanging up.

I pocket my phone and I throw my bag in the passenger seat before closing my door and starting the car. On the way home, I get a feeling that someone's watching me, so I start to speed up a little bit to get home faster. My phone starts to ring in my pocket, so I dig it out of my pocket and I smile when I see Vixen's name pop up on the screen.

"Hey." he says.

"Hi. What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. I'm five minutes from the house."

"Good. Its been a long day and all I really want is to be cuddled up under you." he says, tiredness in his voice.

"Well I'm almost home, I'll see you there." I say, smiling.

"Okay. Hurry up."

I smile as I hang up and I turn to the passenger seat to throw my phone there, then when I look up, I'm instantly hit by another car at full force. My car swerves off the road and it tumbles down a hill on the side of the road, falling a bit of a distance before hitting something hard, then everything stops.

The last thing I see before passing out, is a black car.

Someone steps out and pulls something out of their pocket and puts it to their ear and then the world goes dark.


How are we feeling about this one? Until the next chapter ;)

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