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4 months later

Kyla's POV:
The twins are growing up quick. It's hard to believe it was only four months ago that Vixen came back. It's like he never left. Aleah's birthday is today too. Vixen's excited about it. "I can't believe it's been a year. Almost two since we've been together." he says, sitting on the couch with my legs thrown over his.

"Yeah. Time's just rolling by." I say, sitting right next to him.

"I don't want my baby growing up too fast like this. She's already walking and halfway talking. I can't take it." he says, sighing.

All of a sudden, I hear one of the twins crying upstairs. "I think that's Harley. I just put Kai down, so it's about time I fed him." I say.

Vixen kisses me before I get up to get Harley. When I walk into the twins' nursery, I can see his little body sitting up in the crib, his sister asleep next to him. I grab him and I make a bottle for him, then I take him downstairs, as he smiles and looks around. I sit on the couch next to Vixen and I feed him, and he looks down at Harley, smiling and rubbing his little head.

Z comes downstairs and sits down with a beer in his hand, sitting back and drinking. "Oh man. What's the matter? I know that look." Vixen asks, sitting back and putting his hand on in my pants to rest his hand on my thigh, holding it and rubbing it with his thumb as I feed the baby.

"She's been arguing with me again. She says she feels like she's doing all this alone even though I'm putting in the same amount of effort into this as she is. I can never do anything right when it comes to her now, and I don't know why." he explains, shaking his head and sipping his beer.

"It's a phase. It happens all the time with new moms. The baby depends so much on them that it can get hard seeing how much your partner's doing for the baby. But I promise it'll get better. I did it with Vixen when the twins were born." I say, shrugging.

"And it was a living hell. But she got over it quick." he says, winking at me. I slap his arm with my jaw on the floor, knowing exactly what he means.

"You guys are gross." Kayno says with his hand on Amber's thigh.

"Says the one who'll have sex anywhere." Vixen says, laughing.

"I thought the kitchen smelt like sex and Henny last week." Mark says, laughing.

"You're one to talk." Riley says, looking up at Mark. The whole room bursts out laughing and Mark shakes his head, laughing.

"What do you say, we get drunk tonight?" Kayno asks.

"I'm so down. I need it." Z says.

"Count me in." Mark says.

"Sorry. I've got kids. Can't be out and about like I used to." Vixen says, relaxing into the cushions of the couch.

"What? No, it's alright. I can stay home with them."

"No. I'm not letting you take care of them alone, there's three of them. Besides, my baby's birthday is today." he says.

"So go and celebrate it. We'll be fine. Aleah's not too much to handle, and the twins mostly sleep."

"But you know when they wake up-"

"They're a challenge, yes, I know. But I've got it. Stop worrying and just go." I say, laughing.

"Are you really okay with this?"

"Yeah. I promise. Go." I say.

He looks down at me and sighs. "Fine. I'm down." he says, shrugging. The boys cheer and Vixen laughs at their enthusiasm.

"We can go to Vixen's club. It's the perfect spot." Mark suggests, looking at Vixen for confirmation.

"Yeah. We can go." Vixen says, nodding his head.

A couple hours go by and Vixen and the boys head out. Vixen knocks on the doorframe, his keys in his hand as he looks at me with a grin, walking over to me and holding himself up on the edge of the bed. "I love you. I'll be back in a bit. I don't know how long they're gonna keep me out."

"That's fine. Don't do anything stupid." I say, laughing.

"Oh, come on. When have I ever made you doubt me?" he says.

"You wanna get into that?" I say, rolling my eyes playfully.

"Wow. That hurt." he says, chuckling. "We can do something when I'm back." he says, biting his lip and looking down at my lips.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask, bringing my lips to his, barely.

"I think you have some idea."

"I'm getting some pretty wild ones."

"Like?" he asks, trying hard not to lean in.

"Like... all the ways you could take me. All the ways I could make you..." I say, not finishing my sentence and leaving him on edge, leaving a kiss on his lips and smiling as I sit back in bed, putting my knees to my chest and spreading my legs just a little.

His eyes dart in between my legs and I hear a low chuckle come from his throat. "You teasing little thing. You talk big game, but can you back it up?"

"Oh I can. We both know that, baby." I say, the word 'baby' seductively, letting it slide smooth off my tongue. I rise onto my knees and he looks down at me.

I rake my fingers through the hair on the back of his head as I kiss his neck, making him hum and moan deeply. My hand slides down to his pants and I go inside them and underneath his briefs, feeling on his erection, and I start to stroke it slowly as I pepper kisses on his neck, licking and sucking on it.

He exhales on a moan and he grips my ass, grunting. "Fuck. I'm gonna cum." he drags out, as he grips the back of my neck, moaning as I continue to kiss his neck.

He continues moaning and then he freezes and closes his eyes, whimpering, humming, and grunting as he grips my clothes and hair in both his fists. I catch everything in my hand and I place kisses on his lips as he pants, trying to compose himself.

"That was quick." I say, giggling and leaving a kiss on his lips. "I love you. Be safe." I say, sliding my hand out of his pants and going to wash my hands.

He comes up behind me and pushes his print onto my ass while kissing my neck. "I'll be sure to return the favor when I'm back." he says, kissing me and smacking my ass softly before walking away. "I love you. I'll be home in a little." he says, walking out the door.

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