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Vixen's POV:
As I sit in my office smoking a cigarette, stressed from the phone call I've just received, Kyla walks in, with a smile, immediately brightening my mood a little.

"Oh no. What's stressing you?" she says, her smile fading into frustration as she walks in and sits on my desk, crossing her arms.

"Nothing." I say, not wanting to burden her.

"Vixen, you only smoke when something's stressing you. It's never random." she says, arching her eyebrow, knowing I'm lying.

I grab her hips and I pull her onto my lap, letting her straddle me and look into my eyes. I put out my cigarette and I sit back in my chair, looking up into her eyes. "What's wrong? Talk to me." I say, changing the subject. Ignoring the fact that I changed the subject, she shrugs and answers.

"Mom wants to keep the kids for tonight, tomorrow and the next day so we can have some time alone before and after our wedding day." she says.

"And you're asking me if that's okay?" I say, my eyebrow shooting up.

"Yeah.". She sits in my lap anticipating my answer and I sigh.

"Yeah. Of course. Everyone else agreed that they'd leave for the same amount of time so we could enjoy ourselves a little before and after we say our vows." I say, licking my lips and looking her up and down.

"I'm not even gonna ask where your mind went," she says, chuckling and getting off my lap. "I'm gonna go drop off the kids, you coming? And don't you dare make it something it's not." she says, pointing at me.

"What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about.." I say, getting up and turning off my lamp, walking out of the room behind her.

I go to the twins' room and I pick them up and I walk out of the room as Kyla reaches the bottom of the staircase. I walk over to Kinsley as I hold Kai and Harley, and she turns around and smiles at me.

"Me and Kyla are taking the kids to her mom's. You'll still get your weekly pay just the same though. Have a nice weekend." I say, giving her a small smile.

"Thank you. You too. Congratulations on your wedding." she says, grabbing her bag and walking out.

I walk outside to the car and Kyla's putting Aleah in her car seat. I round the car and I put Kai in the middle and Harley at the left side and I strap them both in, then I get in the driver's seat and I start the car as Kyla puts her seatbelt on.

"Y'know, putting your seatbelt on is the safest way to travel." she says, smiling over at me.

"Yeah? Well I live for danger." I say back, winking at her. She laughs and sits back as I drive out of the driveway. When we arrive at Davina's place, I get out and I grab the twins from their car seat after putting a fuzzy hat, mittens, and a thick coat on them, their noses already red from the cold. We walk up to the door and we ring the doorbell and Jaxon comes to the door.

"Ma! Kyla and Vixen are here with the kids!" he yells upstairs.

"I'm coming!" Davina replies back, her heels clacking on the stairs as she comes down.

She sees me and places a kiss on my cheek, then hugs her daughter, smiling as she looks at the kids. Kyla puts Aleah down and she runs in, jumping into Mason's arms.
Kyla's POV:
Aleah is with Mason, while Jaxon plays with Harley. Vixen sits on the floor playing with Kai, lifting her in the air and bringing her back down to kiss her, making her laugh. I smile watching him with her, and suddenly I feel the couch go down next to me. I look over and my mom's sitting next to me, smiling at me.

"So. How do you feel?" she asks, scooting back a little on the couch.

"About what?" I say, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Marrying him." she says back, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I feel good about it. I mean, I think I've changed him in more ways than one, and he's definitely changed me in different ways. I can see myself being with him for the rest of my life. Some people are afraid of commitment because they think they're not ready for it but... he makes me feel ready. Every time he notices something's wrong, he's quick to ask and does anything he can to make it better," I explain.

"Even when we're not on good terms or when we're arguing, like last time, he respected the fact that I needed a little space, and I came back when I was ready, and he wasn't mad at that. Then when he came back from prison, he tried so hard to make up for his lost time, and it made me so happy I cried to him that night, telling him how much I love and appreciate him. Then it was like he never left." I continue, getting lost in my thoughts.

"And he's a gentleman. Before, Vixen Reed and gentleman, let alone father, couldn't be anywhere in one sentence together. It was never thought of. But he's changed his whole life, risked his reputation, just to be with me. And I couldn't be happier. He changed his whole life for me and I'll never be able to tell him how much it means to me." I say, not knowing that I'm crying until mom wipes away the tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh, honey," mom says, smiling and almost crying as she looks at me. "I'm so proud of you. You've changed a man that everyone thought couldn't change. You made him a family man and you've changed him in ways you didn't think you could. I'm so happy for you, and I'm very proud. I can't wait to see you in a wedding dress." she says, hugging me tightly.

"I love you, mom." I say, hugging her.

"I love you too, honey." she says, kissing my head.

When she pulls away, we look over at Vixen. The kids are crawling all over him and he he growls, bunching them up and kissing all of them, making them all laugh and squeal as he does.

I smile, leaning onto mom's shoulder as I take in the sight in front of me.

It makes me happy knowing that this is my forever.

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