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Vixen's POV:
Me and Kyla are laughing as we talk with other married couples. She's been making good with other ladies while I've been talking with the husbands about mafia related business. I start to get an uneasy feeling, so I look around for Kyla and I see her talking by the glasses of champagne.

I walk over to her and I put my hand around her hips, and I look intimidatingly at the woman's husband looking her up and down and I can see his fear surfacing. "Let's go honey." he says, walking away without looking back.

I turn around with Kyla and I head for the doors.

"Wait, we're leaving?"

"Yeah. I have a bad feeling. My intuition's never wrong. Something's in the air." I say, watching over the room.

"Vixen, everything's fine. Or at least I think."

"No. We need to go. Kayno." I say, Kayno approaching me.

"We're leaving?" he asks.

"Yeah. I don't like the feeling I'm getting. I can't risk anyone getting hurt." I say.

"What are you thinking?"

"I don't know. Something's just wrong. I can feel it."

"Well we'll leave if that's what you think we should do." Kayno says, backing up and going to gather the family.

Someone comes toward me and bumps into me, knocking my drink from my hand. "Hey, watch it, man." I say through my teeth. When I turn around to look at him, I notice something on his eye when he turns to me.

A tatted scar.

"Scarface." I say, anger rising inside me.

"What?" Kyla says.

"Fucking Scarface- the Scarface. He's here." I let go of Kyla and I start to follow him until she grabs me.

"You can't go out there alone."

"Says who?"


"So? You're not coming."

"Says who?"

"Says me. Now stay here. I don't take kindly to disobedience." I say, frustration written all over me.

"Vixen, I'm not letting you-"

"And I'm not letting you risk your life, nor am I gonna let you get yourself or our child killed."

I walk up to her and I pull her body onto mine.

"I'm telling you. I'm not asking. Stay. Here." I kiss her head and I walk off. When I get outside, it's dark and empty, except for the cars parked for the party. I look around and suddenly I hear a voice call out to me.

"Vixen. It's nice to finally meet you. Again." he laughs.

"The fuck are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be up Stacy's ass?" I say.

"My wife doesn't concern you."

"She did two years ago. You remember what happened then? When you caught her in my bedroom and you'd promised to make my life a living hell or so you said? Then you came for me and I almost killed you? Should've killed you right then, but you ran. Like a coward. And I could've caught you. But I wanted you to wait in fear. Waiting for me to strike again. The look on your face when you realized that might've been you last second alive thrilled me." I say with a lethal smirk on my face.

"Well I got bored waiting. Now it's my turn."

All of a sudden, he charges for me and knocks me to the ground. He tries to choke me, but I manage to roll over and get a hold of him. I punch him in his face and he grunts, trying to roll back over. He manages to push me off of him, then we're looking each other dead in the eyes.

He swings and lands a hit on me, punching me in my face, filling me with more anger. I look back and I wipe my lip, blood painting my finger.

"You're gonna regret that." I say, picking up a random beer bottle, cracking it against a pole.

I run to him and I swing the bottle at him, grazing his face, blood starting to leak from the cut reaching from his ear to the middle of his cheek. He continues to swing at me, landing a couple hits on me. He pushes the bottle back into my chest and I grunt in pain, panting and breathing heavily. I manage to stab him in his stomach and he looks at me with an angry look on his face.

I pull the bottle out of his stomach as his bloody hands turn my white shirt red because of his grabbing at me. When he collapses, I put his body somewhere and I take off back into the party, a bloody mess.

As I walk over to Kyla and grab her hand, her eyes get big. "Oh my god, Vixen.. what happened?" she says, looking me over, scared to touch me.

"I killed him."

"Scarface? You killed him?"

"Yes. Now we need to go home."

"O-okay." she says, confused as to what's going on.

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