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Kyla's POV:
I wake up to Amber calling my name. Everyone else stands back as she sits on the bed, wrapping me in a hug as I wake up. "Hey hun." she says, smiling as she pulls away. She hands me an iced coffee and it doesn't taste like a regular iced coffee.

"What's in this?" I say, looking at the cup.

"Tequila." Riley says, sitting on the bed with me and Amber.

I nearly choke, laughing. "Tequila?" I say, laughing.

"We want you to wake up feeling like the best bride in the world. So we gave you coffee-tequila." Amber says.

"Where's Mara?" I say, looking around.

"She's coming. She just called and said Vixen was awake. Just got up, she said." Amber says.

I smile and I pick up my phone, dialing Vixen's number. As I talk to him, my heart flutters in my chest, knowing that this is the man I'm marrying.

"Anyway, I'll see you soon. I love you so much." he says. I can hear him smiling as he talks.

"I love you more, Mr. Reed." I say, hanging up.

When I hang up we look at each other and all of us squeal in excitement.

"You're getting married! Okay, okay, okay. Let's calm down. We have to get the bride ready for her groom." Riley says, as the doorbell rings. "That's Mara." she says as I get up to go answer.

When I answer, Mara hugs me and hair dressers and makeup artists walk in behind her. Riley directs mine to me and Vixen's bedroom and the rest to other bedrooms for the other girls.

Me and the girls stay downstairs for a bit, cooking breakfast and eating, talking about how good the wedding's gonna go. Laughing, we all head upstairs to our rooms, and I close my door behind me so I can get ready.

My makeup artists start on my makeup and my hairdressers begin on my hair. In a matter of five hours or so, we finish my hair and they get my corset, my dress, and my heels on. Then they put my veil on and I head downstairs. When I arrive downstairs the girls are already fanning tears away.

I roll my eyes and I bring them into a hug.

"Guys, save it for the wedding." I say, laughing.

"This is your wedding day." Camara says, chuckling as we all pull away. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you, girls." I say, smiling at them. "Now, let's head to the venue." I say, grabbing my jacket and heading outside to the limo.

On the way to the venue, I think about how everything is gonna go and I get nervous.

I don't know what to expect. I know I love him and I know he loves me, but I just.... I don't know. It's probably just jitters. When we arrive at the venue, I meet Kayno and Mark at the back. They see me and they smile and hug me.

"You look gorgeous, beautiful." Kayno says, kissing my cheek.

"He's right. You do." Mark says, kissing my cheek as well. "Vixen's gonna lose his shit."

I laugh and I kiss their cheeks, careful not to mess up my lipstick.

"Your wedding's in five minutes. How do you feel?" Kayno says, sipping his drink.

"Nervous. Give me a drink." I say, fanning myself. Kayno gives me a drink and I chug it down, squeezing my eyes shut.

I breathe in and out, soothing myself and Kayno grabs my hands.

"You'll be alright. Vixen's been waiting to see you all night." he says, trying to soothe me.

"Thanks Kay. But I'm really losing my shit right now though. I know I promised, but I think I'm getting cold feet. I'm so nervous. And cold." I say, rubbing my arms.

He grabs my hands again and he looks into my eyes.

"Kyla, you look beautiful, Vixen's madly in love with you-something we didn't think he had in him. There's nothi to be nervous about. Once you see him, it'll be alright. You won't have one care in the world." he says.

"And you can't back out now. The wedding's starting." I hear a voice come.

"Jaxon." I say, turning around and hugging him. "Where's Mason?" I ask.

"With his plus one in the back. Cassie."

"So.. you're walking me down the aisle?" I say, tears filling my eyes as I smile at him.

"Yeah. They were gonna have Z do it, but he's distracted with his girl and Vixen. So I stepped up. I've always wanted to walk you down the aisle." he says, smiling.

"Thank you, Jax. I love you." I say, hugging him.

He wipes my tears and we step back into the cold, waiting for everyone to get by as we wait to walk down the aisle. My heart thumps in my chest. I can hear it.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.

It's loud and ringing in my ears as I try to focus on what's up next. I'm shivering, but not from the cold. I'm shivering with nervousness. I'm getting ready to meet the love of my life at the altar. This whole thing solidifies everything. He's going to be my husband and I'm gonna be his wife, and I'm ready.

But that's why I'm so nervous.

What if it's not everything I expect?

What if something goes wrong and we have to split up? What happens with the kids?


I'm thinking too far ahead. I haven't even seen him yet. As my thoughts race, I feel my brother look down at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"What's wrong sis?" he says, rubbing my arm.

"Nothing. I'm just.. I'm overreacting." I say, trying to shake the nerves away.

"It's okay. You can talk to me. I'm here for you." he says as people walk over to us, fixing my dress for me to walk down the aisle.

"I'm just nervous. I don't know what to expect for us after this. I'm... I'm scared." I admit.

"Listen Ky, you're gonna be alright, okay? You don't know what to expect after all this happens, so don't expect anything. Expectations that are too high lead to disappointment, so if you're expecting something, don't think of something impossible. You know what you can expect?" he says.

"What?" I say, looking up at him.

"For him to love you unconditionally. You and your children. I can see it now. You two are gonna be happy, I promise. And you love him more than ever, I can tell by the way you're acting now. You sit wanna disappoint him, but I promise you won't. Why do you think he put that ring on your finger?" he says, smiling. "Now let's walk down this aisle, shall we?" he says, looking forward, a smile on ky face.

"Here we go." I say as the doors open, cameras flashing, music playing as I face the most nerve wracking moment of my life.

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