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Kyla's POV:
I've been stuck in this room for a little less than 24 hours. People have been bringing me food and water to keep me alive, but I've been isolated for a while. Isolation has been my biggest fear for a long time, especially now that I'm being forced into it in an unknown place. As I sit in the corner of an empty room only lit by a fireplace, crying softly, I hear the door open. A man built like the one I saw yesterday walks in and I look up, tears streaming down my face.

"Cheer up, doll. We'll have fun." he says.

"I'm not your doll." I retort.

"She's fiery. I love you even more." he says, chuckling. "So how is Vixen? He doing okay? I haven't seen him since... well, back then. Best friends, we were." he says, pulling up a chair in front of me, smoking his cigarette and puffing the smoke into my face.

I fan my face, coughing and trying not to inhale any of the smoke, and he laughs.

"Oh. I forgot about the little one. How far along are you?" For someone who ran me off the road and damn near killed me and then kidnapped me, he doesn't seem like a killer. But I don't say anything back. "Oh come on, you're not gonna tell me?" he says, knitting his eyebrows together.

"Three months." I say plainly.

"That's wonderful!" he says, smiling.

"What am I doing here? What are you gonna do to me?" I ask, tears still falling from my eyes.

"Well... I'm gonna kill you. Sorry." he says, getting up and pacing around while smoking his cigarette that's almost finished.

My heart starts to pump wildly as I take in his answer. He stoops down to me and tilts my head up to him. I look into his eyes, anger in mine, and he smiles at how fed up I'm getting.

"You're so cute when you're grumpy." he says, a sarcastic pout on his lips. He leans in and tries kissing me and I can smell the cigarette he'd been smoking in his scent. I pull away, fuming.

"You're a trooper. Love the attitude." he says, getting up and pacing again.

"Fuck you."

He stops in his tracks and puts his head down. Suddenly, he turns around and walks to me in three giant steps, grabs my face, and looks me dead in my eyes with a gun now pointed to my head. "Being with a man like Vixen, I would've thought he'd teach you some respect. I guess I'll have to be the one to teach you a thing or two about it." he says, talking into my ear.

I'm not scared of him in the least.

"You've got a temper just like him. No wonder you two were friends." I say with no expression on my face.

He blinks in confusion and he throws my face from his hand and puts his gun up, walking out of the room. "Be ready for your execution at midnight."

"What did I ever do to you?!" I scream at him.

He stops before he steps out of the room and I can see his anger building.

"It's not about what you've done. It's about what he did!" he screams at me, making me wince at how loud he is. "He destroyed me!" he yells again, coming closer to me.

"What happened?" I ask. I figured I'd make my last moments a little peaceful rather than screaming and crying hysterically.

He hesitates and then sits down and lights another cigarette.

"Two years ago. I was 20, he was 22. I'd met the love of my life: brown hair, beautiful grey eyes, gorgeous body, perfect personality. She was perfect for me. Her shy and conserved attitude, and my dominant, badass attitude together was unlikely, but perfect together. I'd noticed Vixen would give her looks and she'd give him looks too. I talked to her about it with her and she'd told me it was nothing, she said she was just very fond of him a that they got along. That should've been a red flag, but I stayed. Because I loved her." he says, pressing his cigarette to his lips and softly blowing out the smoke. I stay quiet, willing to listen.

"One day I confronted the both of them and they looked at me like I was dumb. Vixen looked at me with a smile on his face and I knew it then and there. He'd had sex with her. Multiple times when I was gone, at work or out of state for work. And he'd admitted it to me with no regrets. None at all." he says, letting his cigarette burn between his fingers as he gets lost in thought.

"And you think that killing me will serve him justice? Huh?"

When I say that, his head shoots up and he looks at me, puzzled.

"W-what?" he asks, knowing almost exactly what I'm implying.

"I'm saying, do him the same way he did you. He didn't care, so why should you?"

Vixen's gonna kill me for doing this, but I swear, it's not what it looks like.

"Unchain me." I say, standing up and walking toward him, the long chains dragging behind me.

I walk over to him and I sit on his lap, straddling him, and he looks up at me, contemplating it.

"This isn't another one of your ploys to get away from me, is it? And where did that loyalty for him go?" he says, unsure of what to do.

"I can't trust him to be loyal to me anymore. Now stop overthinking this and take these chains off. They're hurting me." I say, pleading with him.

Obviously everything I'm saying is just to get him on my side. Just to get him to believe me. And it worked. He gets his keys and he unchains my wrists, making me rub them. He pulls me into him, his hands on my lower back. He starts to kiss my neck, so I lie on his shoulder, forcing out soft whimpers and moans to feed into it. I quietly tamper with the tools on his table behind him, and I find a sharp object on it. I run my left hand up his shirt as he continues to kiss on my neck and he runs his hands up my shirt, rubbing my back.

I reach behind him, drawing it forward, and I bring it toward me at full force, stabbing him in his back.

"Fuck!" he screams, reaching for the weapon in his back. "You sneaky bitch!" he says, panting.

He pushes me off of him and I fall to the floor, hitting my back on the ground, making me writhe and grunt in pain. He climbs on top of me and wraps his hands around my throat, starting to choke me.

Not again.

I wrap my legs around him and I jerk my body to the left, turning him over. I punch him hard and he swings, stabbing me in my arm. I try to ignore the pain in my arm as I punch him in the face. When he reaches for his face, I remove the knife-like object out of my arm and I stab him in his neck. I get up as he coughs up blood and grabs at his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. He reaches for me, but his hands go limp, and falls onto my chest and leaves a trail of blood down my body, all the way to my hips. It's my sixth kill, but it still hurts to see someone fighting for their life. I just have to remember that he deserved it. I shut his eyes and I cover up his body with a sheet and I walk over to the chair and I pick up my shirt, walking out of the room.

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