High School Crush

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Sakura's POV

"Kyaaaahhh! Ino hide me, fast!!"

I squealed and hid behind her back, peeping a little as he passed us by. When he was already out of sight as he turned to corner, I heaved a sigh of relief and faced my bestfriend again. "So, you were saying?" I asked, referring to the conversation we had earlier before Sasuke passed by.

She gave me a knowing look with a matching eyebrow raised. "Forehead, you are so unbelievable. Until when are you gonna play hide and seek with your ultimate crush that doesn't even know you even exist in this world?!"

I frowned. She can really be a loudmouth sometimes.

"Pig, I know, I know.. But what more can I do? Yeah, I like Sasuke. I like him for as long as I remembered, but.. I'm just invisible to him. Whatever I do, he doesn't seem to notice me."

She huffed and we continued to walk to our lockers. "Yeah, but even so! Sakura, we are already 18 and we're not getting any younger! --well, except for me, of course. I look younger and younger everyday--but that's not the beautiful point!!!" I sweatdropped.

"And what is, Ms. Piggy?"

She then smirked and declared. "You need to confess to that chicken-ass haired douche bag as soon as possible, Sak!! He may be an emo and a little *ehem* lot arrogant, but he's perfect for you! Its like the opposites attract thingy!!" I adjusted my glasses and furrowed my brows.

"I don't get you, Ino."

I said and placed my books in my locker. She then looked annoyed of somewhat. Hey, what did I do now?

"Sakura Haruno, you need to CONFESS to him!!"

"I heard you, pig! But, isn't that a little awkward? A girl confessing her feelings to a boy?? The last time I checked, it should be the other way around."

"No duh! But, puh-lease, Sakura, we are living in the 21th century!! Nowadays if you can't chase a guy, you'll die freakin' single!!"

Really? Wow. I guess the effect of global warming is already getting into her. Her logic and reasoning is already damaged! "Ino, you are crazy." she glared at me. "No I'm not! Just look at what happened with me and Sai! We are already having our happy ending or something like that!"

"If you call keeping the poor guy literally on a leash and drag him all the time, is your definition of a happy ending.. Then no thanks."

I simply stated and walk about walk back to my next class when--


"Oops! Sorry, forehead. Ironic that I didn't see your rather large treasure."

And then a wicked laugh came from the girl I bumped into--or more like, who bumped me on purpose. I looked up and saw Karin smirk down at me. "What do you want?" I spat out and stood up. She eyed me from head to toe. "Really, and you call yourself normal, Sakura? You look like a premature teen trying hard to be better than me."

My blood boiled at what she said. "Excuse me, but I don't think I would ever want to compare myself to you, Karin. My standards of being an average teenager is higher than that." As I was about to walk away, she grabbed my arm, making me stop in the process.

"Stay away from Sasuke, you bitch."

She hissed and let me go. I gave her a glare. "You're not the boss of me you little four-eyed slut. I can be close to anyone I want to! And fortunately, I chose to be close to anyone aside from you. Now, go back to your class before I shove you heels up your ass!" I yelled and dragged Ino who looked a little shocked at what I just said. Damn her. Sasuke doesn't even notice me! Where did she get such nonsense anyway?

"H-Hey, Saku--"

"Ino. I need a make-over."


The next morning...

"Dude, is that Sakura?"

"I don't know bro. That looks like a hot babe if you'd ask me!!"

"Damn, those legs are gonna be the death of me!"

"I need to pee!"

"Hey, Ino?" I called to my friend who was grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah? What is it, Ms. Haruno?" I rolled my eyes and smiled at her. "Stop it. Haha, anyway... Don't you think my clothes are too..um..revealing?" We stopped and Ino looked at me sternly.

"Seriously, you call an above the knee skirt, and a fit T-shirt revealing? Then what more can you call what Karin wears.. A tissue paper??"

We both laughed at that idea and proceeded walking. Well, its true. I'm just wearing pink above the knee skirt that sways as I walked. The fit T-shirt is colored black with a pink heart in the middle. Ino had me wear contact lens instead of those glasses and for the first time in history, I had my long hair in a braid and not in a bun anymore. Plus, I'm wearing black sandals and light make-up. Maybe, I'm just not used to guys looking at me like this.

Not to mention that the girls were shooting daggers at me.

But of course I could care less. The only reason why I dressed up like this and gained pure confidence is be--


I rapidly ran to Ino but she just pushed me away and shook her head. "Ugh. Old habits really die hard. Sak, you need to confess to him! Come on, you can do it! Just like what we practiced in front of the mirror, okay? Now, go!"

I sighed.

Right. In front of the mirror that broke because I poked it too much pretending it was his cheek. Argh.

I was about to turn around and face Sasuke when I suddenly felt something wrapped around my waist.

I tilted my head and--


He had this emotionless face as he whispered, "Hn. Next time, try to wear something other guys won't drool at.. You don't need to show them what I already know is worth admiring..." And with that he walked away with his hands on his pockets. I was shocked and looked down to what he--

"Kyaaaaahh!!" Ino squealed and I blushed immediately when I realized that Sasuke wrapped his jacket around my waist to limit the exposure of my legs.

I looked around and saw the guys had a disappointed look.

I smiled.

Sasuke really is my high school crush...


Note: Sorry for the not-so-good drawing on what Sakura was wearing. Haha. I just wanna try it? :) thanks for reading!

I missed you guys so much <3

Next Chapter: His (Continuation of Hers)


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