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"Sasuke-kun, please.."

She begged. He only glared.

"Tsk. Go back to the Leaf, Haruno."

Sakura couldn't stand it anymore. She encountered the young Uchiha on her way to Amigakure for a solo mission; and as expected, she tried to convince him to come home.

Tears streamed down her porcelain face as she looked at him, straight in the eyes.

Sasuke, being annoyed as ever, frowned.

Isn't she ever giving up?


"Stop it."

She froze at his interruption.

"Sakura, stop. There is nothing you can do to convince me. So if I were you, I'd run away and hide."

"Damn it.. Sasuke-kun, you're out of your mind! Please, come back to the village, please!"

"Tsk. Just annoying."

"Sasuke, I love you.. I still do. Everyone wants you home in Konoha, where you belong." She said in between her sobs.

He only stared. She was wasting his time. And he hated it.

"As I said, there is nothing you can do to get me back. And even if you confess your love to me a hundred more times, my answer is final."

Sniffing, she tried to compose herself.

She will not look weak.

She will not cry for him anymore.

"Fine." She turned around, back facing the stoic, cold-hearted Uchiha survivor.

"Then, I'll stop. I'll stop getting in the way of your revenge. I'll stop holding on to that single strand of hope. I'll stop waiting for you.. and most important of all," her voice was stern and held no emotion in it.

"I'll stop loving you."

"Hn." He just answered, uninterested at what she said.

"But, if one day, you do come back to the village, and have no one to care for you anymore.. Don't blame me. It was your decision to reject me. It was your decision to make me stop it all. It was your decision to throw everything we had in the trash. It was your decision to break me... and so, it'll be your regret."

She stated. Sasuke only smirked.

"Pft. Believe me Haruno, I won't regret anything."

"Then, I guess this is goodbye, Uchiha Sasuke."

And with that, Haruno Sakura walked away.


After Naruto and Sasuke's final battle:

"...But, all in all, I'm glad that you're finally back Sasuke."

The blonde grinned as him and the raven lied on the ground.

Sasuke only glanced at his bestfriend, happiness visible in his expressionate black orbs.

He finally decided to come back to Konoha.

Naruto succeeded in literally knocking some sense in the misunderstood Uchiha.

Which of course, made both of them remember their Genin days.

"Hahaha.. I miss Team 7. What about you, Sasuke?" Naruto asked

"A little."

"A little?! Aw, come on Teme!"

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