SasuSaku Shippers

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Requested by: CandyIsSasuSakuTrash

Thanks for requesting! :)


Sasuke was pretty sure he saw his mother and brother peering through their mansion's window. Mikoto Uchiha and her eldest son, Itachi, hide themselves but the curtains were transparent. So, yeah. Doesn't help them much.

The raven haired teenager was about to asked what foolishness the two were up to now when Sakura Haruno, who insisted on walking him home, spoke,

"I had a great day today, Sasuke-kun! See you tomorrow??"

She beamed him the sweetest smile yet his frown deepened. "Idiot. We're classmates." Seriously, what part of sitting around all day listening to shitty lessons from shitty teachers, did she found 'great'?

Sakura Haruno is a weird girl, Sasuke concluded and shook his head.

"Oh.. Um.. Yeah! I know that! Of course we'll see each other again tomorrow, Sasuke-kun.. B-By the way,  um..."

"What?" He soundes disinterested.. Well, actually he was. Sasuke wasn't dense. He knew Sakura has a crush on him. Every girl in school has! But somehow, some way.. This girl..she---


Sasuke's eyes widened. He strared, bewildered, at the pinkette. What the fvck? Yup. She's nuts. He sighed, but before he could even muster up the right words to answer, someone pushed him away, causing Sasuke to stumbled into a nearby bush.

"Oh, of course you can, dear!! Say, would you like to stay for dinner?!?!"

Sasuke's head shot up and his jaw dropped. "MOTHER?!"

Mikoto Uchiha ignored her son and ushered the confused, yet excited pink haired maiden inside. They slammed the front door shut and that left Sasuke dumbfounded.

What...just happened..? Sasuke took time to sink in the information. When he did, though.. Itachi Uchiha's smirking at him from a distance.

"You look stupid, little brother."

He glared at Itachi and abruptly stood up.

"What was mom thinking? Help me out here, nii-san."

But the older Uchiha's grin widened. He shook his head and walked off.

"Nah. I think I like the girl. You wouldn't mind, would you?"

"NANI?! What are you tal---?!"

Itachi winked at Sasuke. "Of course, not. Ciao."

For the second time this evening, Sasuke found himself helpless and completely stupid. He stayed like that for a while before being able to compose himself. Sasuke then casually walked into their house, only to be greeted with a dose of laughter from the dining room. He, half-heartedly, dragged himself.

"And Sasu-chan's even peed in his bed at the age of fourteen! Hahahaha!"

Sasuke froze on the spot, eyes locked down on his mother's face. His eyes twitched. "MOTHER! JUST WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TELLING THIS GIRL?!"

But Mikoto Uchiha just waved him off and continued her storytelling. Sakura looked excited about it while Itachi had this sinister look on his face that made Sasuke suspicious.

"Oh, and I also have a picture of Sasuke running naked around the Uchiha complex! He's too cute! Wanna see it?!"


Holy shit?! Sasuke practically ran in time to stop her mom from getting up to fetch their photo album. "MOM!"

Mikoto gave her youngest son a death glare that said 'ARE-YOU-GOING-TO-BEHAVE-OR-ARE-YOU-GOING-TO-BEHAVE?'. Sasuke immediately sat right next to Itachi and covered his ears while the female Uchiha embarrassed him even more.


Itachi poked Sasuke's forehead.

"Ow! What the fvck, nii-san?!"

The elder Uchiha smiled innocently. "I just want to to hear me confessing my love for Sakura-chan."


Itachi cleared this throat and then leaned closer to Sakura, who sat opposite of him, and cupped her cheeks. The pinkette blushed crimson by the gesture. Mikoto smiled in the background and completely ignored the scene in front of her.


"I-Itachi-nii? W-What are you..?"

"I love the way your eyes sparkle and how you'd laugh like you have no care in the world. Oh, my precious pinky princess! How I want to stay by your side and wed you under the cherry blossom trees, my love! Let us fly high and soar for our undying love until it reaches it's well-deserved freedom! You are as pretty as a peach and as sweet as a tomato. You are the sunshine in my rainy days, so let me love you, my precious buttercup!!"

Sakura's jaw literally dropped, and for some reason, Sasuke's faced burned red and he automatically stood up and dragged the pinkette away from his brother and mother.

"S-Sasuke-kun! What is it?"

He slammed the front door shut and led the way to her streets. "Hn. I'll walk you home."

Sakura, struggling to control her fangirl self,  simply nodded and grinned.


Back at the Uchiha household, Mikoto Uchiha patted Itachi's shoulder and giggled.

"So you memorized those words out of his diary? Very good, Itachi!"

Itachi smirked and sat back, taking a sip of his soup. He's pretty sure Sasuke's vocalized confession would reach that girl, one way or another. Besides, they ship SasuSaku. Do you?

****THE END****

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