Regret: Part 2

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Dedicated to: RaniaMautante

Continuation of Regret

Hope you like it!


After their short conversation, Sakura ushered him out. Sasuke just stobbornly stood there and shook his head.


She sighed.

When will he ever give up?

She thought and glared at the Uchiha boy. They had a little glaring contest at that moment. Him, not giving his girl up; while her, not wanting to do anything with him anymore.

She damn had enough of this.

"Sasuke, get out."

"Fvck no."


"Idiot! Sakura, I know you still love me, I just know you do. You aren't that kind of person who gives up so easily.. I know you." He said softly.

She rolled her eyes at his statement.

"Then I guess..."

She then walked passed him and went straight to the door. But not without trailing the words,

"..You don't know a single thing about me afterall."


The day of the wedding..

One month after that incident, the deadful day finally came -well, atleast for Sakura it isn't. The day of Kiro Yukushito and Sakura Haruno's marriage.

At the altar,

"...And if anyone of you who wishes to disapprove the marriage of these two.. Then you may speak now, or forever hold your peace." The priest asked.

Silence engulf the room.

The two smiled at each other.

"Then, it is-"


The church doors flew open. They all jerked their heads towards it's direction, and spotted none other than,


The young medic whispered in disbelief. Naruto stood there, panting. Then finally composed himself and locked gazes with the pinkette.

"Naruto, you baka! Why are you-"

"Sakura-chan! It's Sasuke!"

Just then did she became dead serious. Is there something wrong? Well, there has to be. Naruto never calls Sasuke by his name if it isn't an important matter.

"What happened?"

"He's going to be executed today! He's at the Hokage mountain this moment. I tried to stop the council but they didn't listen to me! Those old hags are- Woah! Sakura-chan,wait up!"

Leaving the wedding, she ran as fast as she can towards the mountain.

Her white long wedding dress floated as the wind carried it with her..

The groom stood there dumbfounded.



He turned his head towards her direction. Sasuke gave her a fainted smile as he stood there on the platform.

Ready to be killed by an ANBU officer.

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