Words and Crap

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Sasuke Uchiha.

=The biggest jerk of my life!



If you're reading this, you'd obviously know by now that I stole your journal last night. Yup. I stole it, and I wont be giving it back until I finish writing this crap.

Look, I know you're still mad at me. Come on! It's not my fault more than half of the female population likes me, isn't it? Hn. Okay, you're right. It probably is---or rather, it's my parents fault. Why must they make such a handsome boy? Is that even legal?

Wait! I'm just kidding. Don't close this notebook yet, 'kay?


Shikamaru's right, though. Having a girlfriend is troublesome.

Honestly, since you agreed to be my girl, everyday became a migraine. Every morning, I'd wake up with a buzzing phone. But whenever I check if it was my alarm, you're name pops up. Calling me at three a.m.? You must be crazy, woman!

Remember that one time you called at an ungodly hour back in February? You just had me fetch you a box of chocolates because you were 'hinting' it was Valentines! I even drove all the way down your street dressed in my pajamas, thinking it was an emergency! Itachi laughed at me later that day and it was only then did I realized I was wearing my Pokemon pj's.

Shit. No wonder people kept staring at me back then!

Oh, and can you still recall that time you walked out into the soccer fields?

Tsk. You were overly dramatic that afternoon, "SASUKE! I FEEL LIKE YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE! HUHU!" Err.. I was so confused! All I did was sleep in class that day and then my girlfriend brages into the room, pulls me up and rants like a madman?! As I was saying, you walked out without giving me time to absorb what you said.

But when I saw a soccer ball flying towards you, I acted out of instinct and WHAM!

Obviously, I ended up in a shitty clinic. And then what? You texted me something about being on your freakin' period that day?!

I face-palmed. So much for being the righteous hero, babe.

And then, just last week, Gaara and Sasori, your childhood FRIENDS came by to VISIT you. Wtf? I didn't know you have to bring a bouquet of FLOWERS whenver you visit a FRIEND. And maybe that's the reason why they were hospitalized in the end.

Three broken ribs. Closed fractures. Several bruises. A broken arm. Oh, and Sasori (the fucker who tried to KISS you in a FRIENDLY way) was in coma for a couple of days.

Did I go overboard? Nah! Serves them right.

I'm always the jealous type. You should know that by now. But why do I feel like whatever I do, I'm the one at fault in the end? Were these the consequences of being a boyfriend? Should I always be in the palm of your hands even though it's kinda frustrating at times to be with you?

And now this. You won't talk to me since yesterday because some girl threw herself at me. Do you really think I'm that shallow to cheat on you?

Right now, I'm sighing.

It's hard to be your boyfriend. It takes guts. Sometimes, I just want to give up on us.

But, bullshit, whenever I see you smile all the worries go away. Whenever you call my name, I feel my heart knows where he should be. Everytime you touch my hand, those doubts disperse into thin air, and I hate how the whole of me gave into you. Is this how it feels like to be committed to someone? I always feel a mixture of emotions overpower me. I'm not used to it, sweetheart. You know that.

But whatever happens, I don't want to lose you. No matter how many soccer balls come flying at you, I will always be there to take the hit for you.

You're the only reason I stay, Sakura. You're my reason. You're my everything.

Besides, I wouldn't be writing this shit if I don't want to be honest with you, right?

-Sasuke Uchiha

Ps. I'm not good with words and crap, so bare with me, woman.


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