A Letter To Her Father

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A Letter To Her Father


Written by MistyAnnE_04


Dear Mr. Haruno,

Good day, sir.

My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I'm now 17 years of age and truthfully, I don't know how to start this letter. But here goes nothing..

Sir, maybe you've already heard of me...way back a couple of years ago. I am your daughter's former teammate. We've been classmates in the academy. And maybe Sakura had been telling stories to you before.. stories of how we ended up in the same team where Naruto Uzumaki and Kakashi Hatake are also a part of.

Does my name ring a bell, sir?

Well, if that didn't do the trick.. then let me elaborate more of who I am. I am pretty sure you've heard rumors of our clan before.

Sir, I am Sasuke Uchiha. The youngest son of Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha. And yes, the younger brother of the misunderstood criminal---Itachi Uchiha. I've defected from the Leaf about four years ago and posed a threat to Konoha. I trained under the supervision of Orochimaru and killed thousands of shinobis.

Unfortunately, I played the antagonist and took part in the war.

Now, do you recognize me, sir?

But please, do not close this letter yet. I know by now, you just wanna rip this piece of paper and throw it in the trash... but I'm humbly asking you to NOT do it.


Because, sir, I am asking you to atleast hear me out---or rather, read my intentions.

I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember. After my clan's massacre, I lived the life of a lone man. I lived the life of a shell with no soul residing in it. Emotionless.. I hardly ever smiled.

I was unhappy.

Yes, I did excel in my classes. Yes, I was praised for my almost perfect attack patterns and jutsu mastery before.

I'm an Uchiha. I carried the hatred of our clan for so long. I know nothing about the other side of the hill. I lived for revenge, power and domination.

But, after the previous war...

Sir, I've realized something (yeah, right after Naruto knocked some sense into me). I've realized something I should have realized a long time ago.

That your daughter...is beautiful. And I don't even know when exactly did Sakura Haruno suddenly became the apple of my eye.

Maybe it was when she healed my wounds. Oh yes, the green glow of her healing chakra matched her jade green eyes perfectly. I have never seen anything so wonderful in my entire life, sir. She literally took my breath away.

Or maybe it was when we were walking back to Konoha.. under the moonlight, Sakura Haruno looked like a angel. I can almost make out a halo appearing ontop of her head. And when she smiled at me, I knew I was in for trouble.

Or, maybe I realized things the moment she approached me the day she found out I was going to leave Konoha again to find myself---of course, not literally.. She looked so innocent.. so tender and caring when she asked me if I can take her with me. And yes, I admit.. I'm sorry sir, but I do want to take her. I want her all to myself. I want the two of us, sharing the ABC's of life ..while staring anew.

No more pain. No more heartbreaks and regrets.

But I know it wasn't the time for selfishness. And so, I promised her that I'd come back while poking her large and adorable forehead.

It's been six months since that day.

And to tell you the truth, I'm scared. Yes, the Sasuke Uchiha is finally scared of something... a lot of things actually.

First, I'm scared of what might happen to her while I'm not in the village. I'm concerned about her health... please tell her to take a rest from all the hospital work, sir. Would you?

Second, I'm scared...no.. I'm terrified with the solid fact that your daughter might love another man. And I don't want that, sir. Please.. I can't let that happen. Please don't let that happen? I don't want----no. I CAN'T see her with another shinobi. The mere thought of Sakura.. smiling that lovely smile towards another man.. it hurts. I'm scared to lose your daughter, sir. I'm scared she'll one day realize I'm not good enough for her. I'm begging you, don't let her love for me fade. I don't want her to fall in love with someone else. Her love.... It's the only thing I hold on to nowadays.

And lastly.. I'm scared that I'll be overly possessive of her. Sir, I am a selfish man... I'm scared that if things go out of hand, one day, I'll kidnap Sakura Haruno and lock her up in a tower.

See? Mr. Haruno, I am not that lifeless anymore. Because of your annoying daughter, I now feel a lot of things.

So to sum this up... Sir Kizashi Haruno.. I love your daughter.

I know I don't deserve her. I made her cry numerous times before. I left her. I rejected her. I broke her heart... I'm that stupid. It took me several years before I realized she's the only one I want to start a whole new clan with.

Sir, I love her so much.. and the reason I wrote this letter (with a not-so-neat penmanship) is to formally ask permission.

In a week's time, I'll be returning Konoha.

And by that time, I am going to ask your daughter's hand in marriage. I don't want to lose anyone dear to me ever again. I promise, I'll try to be  deserving. I'll make her feel like a queen even if I'm just a monster dressed in a prince's clothes. I will do anything and everything for her..

I love Sakura Haruno.

And if ever you go against my love for her.. sir, I completely understand. But if so happens, then I swear on my clan's blood and honor, I am going to knock on your front door and beg you and your wife to give me the approval I ask for. And I mean it.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day ahead. I am looking forward to meet you in person.

Respectfully Yours,

Sasuke Uchiha ----your soon-to-be-son-in-law

PS. If begging doesn't work and you still deny me blessing to marry Sakura, then please do not be shocked to find her missing one day. Thank you, sir :)


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