The Writer

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I don't know how much time has passed
Since I last wrote you something reckless
This is just another piece of me in words
I'll be sending to your address.

Love stories are lovely,
But I love ours the best
And when nothing seems to happen
I will choose you above the rest

So be my knight in shining armour
And save me from misery
Because when I write, I fill the empty spaces
Left within our story.

The midnight came and my soul yearned yours
To bind in an everlasting promise
But I'll wake up in the morning and will forever regret
Not tasting your sweetest kiss

I'm the writer and your the character
I want to have in reality
But still, I need to accept the fact
That it'll never be true, and you and I could never be.

Sakura Haruno stopped typing and reread her work. When she was satisfied, the pinkette closer her laptop and slumped down her bed. She's a writer and a pool of words drowned her several times in the past.

"I wish he was real."

She murmured and thought about the character she made up. A tall, muscular, raven haired boy who had all the characteristics she wanted in a man. Often times, she'd doze off in her classes and dream of him.

She tried to get him out of her mind, but it's useless. The man in her imagination kept popping inside her head and it's already frustrating her. She's a writer and she's hopelessly falling in love with her own story character.

It's the worst cancer that can kill oneself.

Tears involuntarily leaked out of her eyes.

A knock on the door was heard. Sakura stride towards it and found her mother, Mebuki, glowering down at her.

"I've been calling you more than ten time already. Your fiance's already downstairs."

Sakura's heart sank. An arranged marriage. The most cliche conflict ina a modern-day love story. She silently cursed herself and made her downstairs.

But when she reached the living room, Sakura gasped. No freakin' way.

The boy, about her age, walked closer to her and smiled.

"My name's Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha."

Sakura studied his features. Is it fate or is it just some twisted coincidence? She would never know. But one thing's for sure..

The writer will finally have her happy ending.

***THE END***

Misty's note:

No part two! *laughs evilly* By the way, I've missed you people. *cries* stay awesome! ❤

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