Leave Me

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Leave Me

Requested by chloesellers00

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The cold wind blew passed the young Uchiha. Making a few strands of raven black hair momentarily sweep his flawless face. It was cold, but the boy didn't falter.

"Why?" Was the only question he could think of. Or rather, the only word he could muster.

He had so many things to say to the person who showed him the beauties of the world. He knew her for as long as he can remember. He admired her from afar.. she was his first crush, first love and damn this all if she wouldn't be his last.

The pinketted boredly glanced at him, not minding his vulnerable appearance. He was still in his pajamas, with the Uchiha crest on the back of his plain black shirt.

"I need to see the world for myself."

Was all she said before cluthing her brown backpack and started walking out the gates of Konohagakure.

Sasuke's heart sank.

He didn't like this feeling. For several times, he already felt pain. Pain from the lack of attention his family gave him, pain from his injuries in combat, and pain from her rejection.... errr.. rejections at that.

Sasuke Uchiha felt all the shit in the world. He's been through hell and back.

And she was the one who gave her hope.



Sakura Haruno was the one who made him move forward in life. She pulled him out of his misery. She was the one who inspired him in becoming a ninja. She was his dream.

He recalls everything as if it just happened yesterday.

Sasuke and Sakura were only six or seven years old by that time. He was crying on a stone bench in the park that day because his older brother didn't spar with him. Anyway, as he was wallowing in tears, the young Uchiha heard a burst of laughter.

Music to his little ears.

He followed the laughter and that's when he first saw her.

She was chatting with a blonde girl then. Her short pink hair flowing freely as the midsummer breeze made it's way. The way her emerald green eyes sparkled as she laughed melodically was enough to make his little heart beat rapidly.

He fell in love with her.

And as each day passed, he fell deeper.

Heck, Sasuke was Sakura's stalker! He'd follow her everywhere at anytime! He'd study how she'd communicate to others and how she would simply do anything. Just by seeing her, Sasuke Uchiha would smile.

She was his joy.

But unfortunately, he didn't had the guts to approach the pink-haired beauty.

"What?" Sakura stopped in her tracks and glared at Sasuke.

"Go home, Sasuke. It's already late. Don't tell the elders about this."

He bowed his head and had a mental debate. Will she stay if I told her what I feel?

Now he remembered when they were twelve. Sakura had been an eye-catcher by that time that made almosy every boy if their age fanboy over her.

And that made him jealous.

Well, even that is an understatement.

Sasuke Uchiha was furious whenever he sees her with another boy! He just wants to ripped those idiots' heads off whenever they make his Sakura smile! It should only be me.. I should be the one making you smile, Sakura Haruno. She was his. He claimed her the moment he set his eyes on her.

So when the rumors spread that Sakura likes boys who excel in ninjustu, Sasuke practically read all the ninjutsu books in the Konoha library! It was his chance to impress her!

He knew he was lame at being friendly---given that he was still the anti-social type--but he's willing to change. He was willing to give it a shot.

But one day, as he was about to approach his long-time crush, a blonde boy entered the scene and gave Sakura flowers.

Oh, believe me when I tell you he went on a rampage when Sakura kissed the blonde on his cheeks as a response!

He retreated that day, with a gloomy aura that not even Itachi Uchiha can understand.

After that, they became teammates. Sasuke was happy. Very happy. Even though the blonde idiot---Naruto---was on their team too, he didn't mind much. As long as he got to see Sakura everyday, nothing else matters to him. She's something that brought out the best in Sasuke.

And yet here they are...


The young girl rolled her eyes and impatiently crossed her arms over her chest.

"What?! Sasuke, you are wasting my time! Spit it out!"

He panicked and took in a deep breathe...

"S-Sakura, I love you! S-So much... please, don't leave us.. don't leave me."

Sakura Haruno was taken aback by his sudden confession, "H-Huh?"

Sasuke gathered all the courage he had left and continued, "I liked you. Ever since we were kids.. you don't know how much of a stalker I was for you.. but dammit, Sakura! I fell in love with you even if you don't seem to notice me. Even if I felt invisible all my life.. that doesn't matter. You know why? Because whenever you smile, it takes my doubts away..."

He walked closer.

"Please.. don't leave me... you don't know how much I need you, everyday. I can't sleep at night without seeing you. You're all I ever think of.. I'm going crazy, Sak! Heck, I even planned my future with you.. I want us to be married. I want you to be my wife and the mother of my kids.. I want us to grow old together.. I love you so much, it hurts to see you go."

Silenced engulfed them....

Sasuke stood still until the girl he loves spoke,

"You're annoying. Bye."

And he cried that night as she left him. Silently, he hoped.. that in an alternate universe, Sakura will love him back.

***THE END***

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