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Requested by Monstercat1130

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Sakura's POV


You! Yes, you!

You are invited to Konaha's first Costume Party to be held tomorrow evening @Yamanaka's residence.

Bring sake!

----Lady Tsunade

I grunted and let the invitation card slip off my hands before I slumped down on my bed.

"I can't believe this! A costume party? Seriously?! Who on earth would suggest such nonsense?!"

Oh, what joy! I just got home from the hospital earlier this afternoon and this is what was waiting for me at my doorstep! Has shishou gone mad? Knowing her, there's definitely a catch.


Well, if the 'bring sake' part isn't a clue, I don't know what is.

I closed my eyes and breathe in to calm my nerves. Tomorrow is Saturday, meaning most shinobis are on a day-off. I wonder if Naruto and the others will attend this crap?

I wonder if Sasuke-kun will go?

Ah! What am I thinking!? There's a one in a million chance he'd show up tomorrow night for the costume party.

I giggled at the thought.

I'd like to see him try!


Timeskip: Saturday 7:00pm @Yamanaka's residence.

This is it! I don't know what Ino's parents ate for letting their place be the venue.. but to heck with it!

"Ino, are you sure I don't look like a monkey?"

My blonde bestfriend laughed. Actually, she forced me to attend. A few hours ago, I found her knocking on my apartment door, with a large paper bag in hand. She already bought me a freakin' costume for tonight! How annoying is that?

"A monkey? Hahaha! Seriously, Billboard brow? You should go look at yourself in a mirror! You look as gorgeous as I am!"

She said and gently brushed a few strands of her hair that framed her flawless face.

I eyed her from head to toe and smiled.

She really does look like Queen Elsa!

"Hey, pig?"


We started walking towards their mansion.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

We laughed at my lame joke. Soon enough, the air was filled with loud music and noises. I scanned the area and spotted a man dressed in a Madhatter costume. I had to examine his features carefully before I approached the guy who was busy chatting with a girl with blonde hair.

"Hey, miss! Can I get your number?"

I rolled my eyes, "Quit it Naruto. That won't work on me."

His brows furrowed for a second before scratching the back of his head, "Sakura-chan! You blew my cover, dattebayo! How could you?!"

I smacked the back of his head and turned to the blonde. I raised an eyebrow as she smiled sweetly at me. "Hinata? Hey, what's with the blonde hair?"

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