Episode 1- We're New👽

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"We share a quiet confidence between us. With the knowledge that our frequencies operate at a level only we understand."

- J. Iron Word


There aren't many teenagers who are excited about school, especially when they're new. They end up dreading the pressures of not being able to fit in, academics, social life, and relationships. They literally have to drag themselves there, but not the twins, Elena and Kate Russo.

They were found combing each other's hair hastily. They had arrived at their hometown, Aurora, Colorado from New York a day back.

Yet, they didn't want to miss their first "exciting" day as seniors in Aurora High School, which wasn't so far from their home.

"El, why can't you brush my hair properly? Look at how I have done yours," Kate whined, looking at her twin with a defeated expression.

"Too bad, sweetheart, we can't be late for our first day," Elena said with a chuckle and looked at her neatly combed hair with satisfaction.

"Forget me helping you with homework then." Kate scoffed. If her sister wanted mischief, she would get some as well.

"Nice one, K," she said with a grin and left the comb hanging in her tangled hair.

Elena blew her an airy kiss despite her whines and left their room briskly. Too bad her elder sister knew she would always help.

Not even a thing was out of place. Elena hated mess, and under her watch, their room was seldom untidy. Even if it did, it would be her doing, which always earned the wrath of her order-obsessed twin.

Kate sighed and gazed at the spotless mirror. At 5'6 feet, she stood straight, clad in a white T-shirt with the words "You Can Sit With Us" printed on it. Black capri pants and a grayish jacket completed her outfit.

She wasn't a fashionista like her sister, but upon Elena's insistence, she decided to match clothes with her.

She brushed her hair, which would win against a bird's nest if there were a competition titled "Tangled". Mirrors don't lie, yet they can't laugh at you either.

Her amber eyes had light purplish circles around them, all credit to her obnoxious sleeplessness.

The blame could be put on her never-ending chain of thoughts, which wouldn't let her sleep peacefully. New school, new faces, new me?

She needed to forget what had happened in New York. But was leaving behind something, which tortured her with nightmares, so easy?

She brushed her curly brown locks, finally reaching her favorite strand. It was dyed blue to symbolize peace. That particular strand was colored differently according to her mood.

She was excited, yes, a lot in fact, but she never liked change as it made her uneasy. At least you have El by your side.

But when she had changed herself so much, how hard would it be to get used to a new life?

"Kate! Snap out of it," Elena hollered from below. "Get down here, right now."

Kate groaned and grabbed her alien themed backpack. She scrambled downstairs, huffing with each step, and put on a black baseball cap.

She quickly tied the laces of her black sneakers and jumped on her bicycle, flashing her sister an apologetic grin.

Yes, a bicycle... it was Kate's idea of contributing to keeping the Earth green and pollution free. She believed that the aliens would descend upon the world one day and would love the twins for keeping their "guesthouse" pretty.

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