Episode 10 - Cookie Maxonster👽

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"Sometimes me think 'What is friend?' and then me say 'Friend is someone to share the last cookie with."

- Cookie Monster


Max gently knocked on the main door of Ivan's house. He was admiring the neatly arranged plant pots placed at the sides of the doorstep with a small smile on his face.

The door opened to reveal Ivan's mom, Chloe who stood smiling and wiping her hands with a small towel.

"Hey, Mrs. C, where's Ivan?" Max asked with a smile.

"I'll get him," Chloe answered after a chuckle and left after ruffling Max's spiky light brown hair, matting some to his large forehead.

He grinned and adjusted them back with his hands. Perks of styling your hair for so long that you don't even need a mirror to check.

He walked three small steps to reach the twins' doorstep. Here, there were saplings which he inspected for some minutes. Upon assumption, he thought of them as flowering ones.

He bent down on his knees and whispered 'have a good day' to the saplings with a grin. He decided to enter Ivan's house, but the delicious aroma of cookie batter stopped him.

He grinned wider and sniffed the air contentedly. He hoped to have a cookie or two at least. By the aroma, he could guess that the cookies would taste wonderful.

He knocked on the door of the Russo household gently. Upon three knocks, Elena opened the door. She was found wearing an apron, her brown hair was tied in a loose bun, some wisps of it touching the sides of her face.

"Welcome to the Russo House. How may I help you, sir?" Elena asked as she grinned briefly at Max.

"Hi, I need a vanilla ice cream, topped with a cup of chocolate syrup," Max played along, his green eyes sparkling with mirth.

"Anything else?" Elena smiled while taking down the order in an imaginary paper.

"Oh yeah, and drizzle it with two drops of caramel," Max added.

"Just two drops?"

"Yeah, we have two eyes," Max answered, and grinned upon seeing Elena's confused face.

"It's Kate, I need Kate Russo," Max commented with a shake of his head, his face crinkled with delight.

That's when realization dawned upon Elena that Max's ice cream was a comparison to Kate. She let out a laugh and invited Max indoors.

"Ten minutes sir, one Kate Russo coming up," she informed as she grinned slightly to reveal her bunny teeth.

"Please wait," she cupped her mouth and whispered, "she's sleeping."

"Waiting drives a customer away," Max said.

"Ah, well help yourself to these till then."

Elena chuckled while handing him a plate of freshly baked chocolate cookies, which lit up Max's green eyes.


Ivan got out of his house with his mom following behind.

"Where is he?" Ivan asked.

"He told me he'd wait here," Mrs. Moore replied with a shrug. Upon seeing Ivan walking away, she held his wrist and placed a hand sanitizer on his palm.

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