Episode 4 - Special Rolls👽

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"What could be more important than a little something to eat?"

- Winnie The Pooh


Elena and Kate made their way towards their parents' room. It was no wonder that Mr. and Mrs. Russo were fast asleep, the journey had tired them out, and so did the twins' constant chattering throughout it.

The twins sat down on their bed and shook their parents simultaneously.

"Mom, wake up!" Elena cried, shaking the beautiful woman in front of her. Her eyes were lined by dark lashes which contrasted deeply against her pale, spotless skin. Though she was in her early 40s, she didn't look her age. There was always this young aura around her which made her seem bright like the sunlight. Her name Eleanor, perfectly matched her personality, and she was best friends with her twin daughters.

Kate tried her best to wake up her father, Kurt Russo, by slowly poking him in the ribs.

"He's not going to wake up that way, dumbo," Elena hissed, and shook her mother further who stirred a bit and mumbled something close to "five more minutes..."

"I know how it feels like to be sleepy, I'm trying to wake him up lovingly," Kate replied back with a sigh.

"Lovingly, my foot!" Elena exclaimed. "My tummy's dying from hunger."

"Why don't I make something for you?" Kate whispered.

"Last time I checked you can't even switch on the gas," Elena scoffed with an eye roll. "Just wait, I know the perfect way to wake them up," she muttered and dashed towards the fridge.

She came back in a minute, holding some ice cubes in between her long fingers, her coffee-brown eyes sparkling mischievously.

Kate giggled at this and betrayed her "sleepy dad" by shoving the cold cubes in his neck while Elena did the same to their mom.

Their parents woke up with a start, looking at the cackling twins with bewildered expressions through half-open eyes.

"That was mean," Eleanor sniffled after a minute. "Is this how you wake up your mother?" she pouted and Kurt nodded at this with a pout matching his wife.

"How was school, girls?" he asked them gingerly, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"I guess we've made more enemies than friends, dad," Kate replied back drily.

"Some people need to be shown their places," Elena spoke seriously, her hands clenching at the thought of the bullying they had witnessed.

"Is everything alright? Did anyone trouble you?" Eleanor asked, her chocolate-brown eyes filled with concern.

"Everything's fine," the twins replied. Kurt exhaled in relief, muttering "thank God" and kissed their foreheads, leaving to freshen up.

"Now tell me, why this sudden way of showing that you love me?" Eleanor asked them amusedly, picking the ice cubes that had now fallen in her lap.

"We're hungry, mom. For God's sake, it is 3:30 in the afternoon."

"Yeah, and you don't want puffy eyes, do you? Oversleeping does that to you," Kate informed her mother who just checked her eyes frantically in the mirror.

"Mom!" Elena whined, "your special fried rolls please."

"Of course!" Eleanor said with a smile and grabbed the twins in a warm hug.

"Mom, you stink!" Kate whined and wrinkled her nose, which just earned a chuckle from her mother who got up with a slight shake of her head.


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