Episode 38 - Don't Push Me Away👽

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"He was different.
There was something about him
that made him the one star
to shine in a sky with a million
that went unnoticed.
It was the way he carried
his heart in his eyes
and I swear,
I saw my name there
more than once."

-Stephanie Bennett-Henry


The smile on Elena's face widened as Ivan entered the Russo household.

A half-smile rested on Ivan's lips before turning into a wide grin as his feet quickened their way towards Elena.

Kate noticed Elena biting her lip, her fingers adjusting her already straightened hair.

Ivan held Elena's hands in his, their faces adorned with soft smiles, their eyes shining.

Max entered a minute later, smirking as he did. "Dude, still here? No date?"

Ivan, disturbed in the gazing contest, narrowed his eyes at Max.

Elena grinned as she held Ivan's wrist. "Are you asking me out?"

Ivan shook his head, then nodded, letting out a small chuckle. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ice cream?"

Kate rolled her eyes. She never imagined the ice king would be this nervous on his first date.

Her sister stared into Ivan's blue eyes as if they were jewels. She had been obsessed with that color since childhood.

Last day, Elena had danced around in the house. A goofy grin was stuck to her face, her eyes staring dreamily into space. Kate had had a hard time doing her and Elena's homework as well.

Kate sighed softly. At least there weren't any one-sided feelings.

She glanced at Max, who stared at Ivan and Elena with a soft smile. He met her glance, but averted it, his smile gone.

Great! That sunflower was still mad.

Elena grinned when Ivan intertwined their fingers, pulling her to his side. After placing a soft kiss on the top of her palm, he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Before leaving, Kate noticed Elena giving her a look, briefly darting her eyes to Max's side.

The door was shut and Kate inched towards Max unsurely. He stood facing the other side and she fiddled with her fingers, not knowing what to say.

She cleared her throat, he didn't budge.

She sighed and stood just behind him. "Max, the past is never easy to talk about, especially not for me."

She let out a shaky breath as she reached out for his shoulder, but dropped her hand.

"There was this guy... he told he loved me..."

Kate placed a hand on his shoulder and turned him, their forms face-to-face now.

"The guy said he loved me... but..."

The faraway look on his face tell-taled that he wasn't paying attention.

"Max, are you even listening to me?"

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