Episode 5 - Earth & Elsa👽

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"What you see depends on how you view the world. To most people, this is just dirt. To a farmer, it is potential."

- Doe Zantamata


Kate skipped down the stairs, holding two large paper bags. Her pale lips were tugged upwards into a beautiful smile as she sprinted towards the door.

"Wear something in short sleeves, Kate. It's hot outside," Elena commented while unpacking her mini showpieces, handling each one delicately.

"No, thank you," Kate stressed on each word drily.

"How long will you wear--"

"Stop wasting your energy in futile suggestions, El!"

"Just try once..." Elena looked straight into her twin's hardened eyes, noticing the now tightly clenched bags in her right fist. Her left hand held the ajar door.

"You know that's not going to happen anymore," Kate hissed, her amber eyes ablaze, and stormed off, making sure that she had banged the door while exiting.

Startled, Elena shook her head and hugged a tiny, sparkly fairy close to her. She placed it inside her "fancy-chamber-of-mini-stuff" after kissing it briefly.


Kate sauntered towards the nearby public park, loosening her hold over the paper bags.

"Shouldn't have been angry at El..."

"She knows you don't like bringing that up."

"Yeah, but she was just looking out for me."

"Still you got worked up about it."

"I know, I know, I should work better at handling my emotions..."

"Yeah, remember that, always..."

"Can't believe that I'm talking to myself," Kate said with a sigh, once she reached the park. She sat down on the grass, placing the bags near her, and rubbed her long fingers over her temples.

The park was quiet except for the chirping of the sparrows. The green leaves swayed along the silent music of the warm breeze.

Kate found solace in nature. Her fingers involuntarily traced lines in between the patches of grass, coating her short nails with the color brown. She sprinkled some water on the soil and scooped aside some to sniff. Its earthy scent calmed her down instantly, and a dreamy smile made its way on her illuminated face.

The sunlight shone directly upon her, and she raised her palm to block it from her burning eyes. Her arms covered by her long sleeved tee felt stuffy and sweaty. She groaned as it recollected her twin's words about the weather being hot.

Hot or not, Kate had no choice other than covering her arm...

Placing a rake firmly, she used her frail arms to remove the grass, the scraping of the tool making goosebumps rise on her skin. This was the worst part about working in nature, she felt.

The grass she had removed was then placed at one side in a pile, and she started digging out the soil in a circular pattern.

She huffed occasionally, wiped sweat from her thin brows with the thought of pulling up her sleeves at the back of her mind.

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