Episode 16 - Spiderpalmed👽

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"You can be childlike without being childish. A child always wants to have fun. Ask yourself, 'Am I having fun?'"

-Christopher Meloni


"I'll do it!"

"No, let me!"

"You don't have a good aim, El!"

"As if you do," Elena scoffed.

"I do, now give me that!"

"You can't even run a mile."

"What's that supposed to do with aiming?" Kate asked, raising her thin eyebrow.

The twins stood in the school's cafeteria, planning to throw a fake spider at Ivan. They knew he was frightened by them terribly. This made way for another excuse to prank the ice king.

"Give me that, El!" Kate struggled to get the spider from her sister's fist.

"Oh my God! Look at what that girl's wearing!" Elena commented after a short gasp.

Poor Katfish was hooked into Elena's bait and looked sideways.

Grinning, Elena hastily threw the fake spider in Ivan's direction, but her clumsy throw missed the ice king.

Instead, it was able to produce a certain high, nasal scream, which silenced the whole cafeteria.

"Mommy!" Ashley screeched, the fake spider now perfectly stuck to her narrow nose.

The queen bee had been talking to Riva and Ruby, completely oblivious that a spider would be hurled at her face.

"Get it off! Get it off!" Ashley screamed and flailed her arms in horror.

The fake spider might be horrified too, being amidst a highly perfumed and powdered environment.

The girls near Ashley screamed as well, and some boys backed away instead of helping her. Among the various screams, Ivan's horrified face and his scream were included too.

He quickly shut his mouth, and placed his palm over it, thankful that no one had heard him.

Elena watched Ashley's flustered figure and laughed. She blew an airy kiss in her direction and grinned evilly. The queen hadn't noticed it though.

Kate grabbed her twin's wrist and pulled her under a table. "What are you doing?" she hissed.

"Having fun, Dexter. Something which you should too."


"It's good to be a kid at times. Once you grow up, there's no time for play." Elena smiled as she patted her sister's head. She made a move to get up.

Kate held her arm. "Stay. I'm in no mood to deal with that bee right now."

"I had asked you not to aim," Kate continued with a lopsided grin. Her teeth, white as snow, were curtained by her pale pink lips as she dropped the grin.

Elena shook her head with a smirk grazing her mischievous face. She took another fake spider and placed a finger upon her lips.

"What are you--"

"Keep quiet, Dexter," Elena whispered. She peeped a look above, noticing a girl in a short skirt standing beside the table. The girl was discussing her first kiss in an animated manner with another girl.

She was least suspecting when Elena lightly stuck the fake spider on her ankle. Skilfully, Elena used her fingers on the girl's leg to give a crawling sensation.

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