Episode 17 - Mistaken👽

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"The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap. Stay safe, eat cake."



Under the orangish sky, twin sisters Elena and Kate sat upon the emerald grass.

One of them scrolled posts on Instagram, while the other patted the wet soil. She looked at the flower seeds she had sown and smiled softly.

A while back, Kate had taken out the soil, which was left to convert into compost. After sifting out the worms, she had mixed this soil with the ground.

Her eyes now stared at the sky as it started to tinge with hues of blood-red. The sun, now golden like her eyes, started sinking.

"Do you think Van is still angry that we had to move?" Elena asked, grabbing Kate's attention.

Dark streaks of violet and blue mixed into the sky, like how a painter mixes different colors in a palette. The sun had set, the blood-red vanished as the sky started turning into a deep aubergine.

"Being angry is one thing, completely forgetting us is another," Kate replied drily.

"What if he's acting?" Elena asked, hope ringing in her voice.

"He might be the most powerful actor ever, El... but he can't pretend not recognizing his childhood besties at such lengths," Kate replied, exhaling a deep breath.

"How's it possible that he doesn't remember even a single thing about us?" she continued after noticing Elena's quietness.

"Then, we make him remember," Elena said determinedly, her dark eyes shining with hope.

The silver stars, shimmering like small diamonds, seemed stitched upon the velvet, onyx sky. They showed that things do shine in darkness... that there can be light even when everything seems hopeless.

The wind whooshed slightly, something similar to a witch's laughter echoing along with it.

"Did you hear that?" Elena whispered.

"Hear what?"

"There it is again."

"Can't hear anything, you're probably imagining stuff."

"But, Kate--"

"We should get going," Kate stated while making a move to get up.

"No, stay here, there he is," Elena said, pointing to a figure clad in a leather jacket, standing some feet away with his back towards them. "I'm going to scare him."

"El," Kate said with an eye roll, "you've already failed with the fake spider, remember?"

"Whatever, there's no harm in trying."

Elena took each step with caution, praying that he wouldn't hear the movement. Her sneakers squeaked softly against the grass, and she removed them gently. She ambled ahead almost reaching the tree he stood against.

At that same moment, one of the lampposts near her flickered twice and switched off. She was now left in semi-darkness.

The wind whooshing along with the spooky laugh made her uneasy. You can't scare him while being scared yourself.

She gulped, then nodded to herself determinedly, and held both his shoulders from behind.

"Boo!" she screamed in his ears.

The figure turned to face Elena. For a minute, the grin on her face stayed intact out of shock.

Then her pink tongue let out a bloodcurdling shriek.

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