Episode 7 - Strength👽

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"She was powerful, not because she wasn't scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear."



The Russo twins, Elena and Kate, made their way towards the principal's office. Kate was serious and unflinching even after the pain--the redness which had painted her white knuckles.

Anger is bound to hurt others and oneself as well, she knew. She also knew that what she did wasn't right. But some people need to be taught where lines are drawn. If you cross the line, so will the consequences be. She held her head high and walked inside the office.

Elena's eyeliner was smudged due to her crying, but she didn't even bother to clean that up. For now, she worried what Kate's punishment would be. It didn't take a genius to figure out that violence wasn't acceptable in school.

What would be Kate's fate?

Wait, that rhymed, Kate and fate, yay!

What are you doing brain? This is not the time to joke around.

"Sir, look at my face, look at what she has done," Kyle whined, showing his swollen cheek and a black eye.

"Sir, she broke my nose," Jamie whined and pretended to sniffle.

"We're not at fault, she's a bully," Jamie lied, smirking at Kate evilly.

"Hey, you--" Elena began, but was stopped when Kate raised a hand to intervene. "Sir, they were badmouthing about my sister."

"No we didn't do such a thing, we--"

"Let me finish what I've started, where are your manners, Kyle?" Kate replied calmly, but her voice wasn't to be mistaken as sweetness. With a penetrating, unblinking gaze, she eyed both the boys who appeared slightly fearful.

"When I asked them to stop, they made fun of me, called me a little girl, and then threatened me."

"But, violence isn't the answer Miss Russo," the principal spoke, breaking the silence.

"He held my arm tightly, sir, and threatened me," Kate said, pointing towards Jamie.

"They should know their boundaries. He isn't my family, friend, or boyfriend. Nobody gave him the permission to touch me. So, I had to raise my hand in defense."

"Hm, but violence is violence, and I won't allow that in my school."

"But--" Elena protested.

"You three have to clean the school premises for a week," Mr. Jackson commented. "And you," he pointed towards Kate, "you've to be a part of one class for the rest of the year..."


The twins entered the History class and stood to wait by the door. They heard a particular pair of heels strutting towards the class, and nodded at each other.

Before Ashley could enter the class, Elena's black-jeaned leg made her stumble slightly. Kate caught Ashley's arm in time to break her fall.

"Chin up princess, or the crown falls," Elena commented, twirling the crystal crown in between her fingers.

"Give that back!" Ashley screeched, shaking off Kate's hold on her arm, and stood straighter. Even with her heels, she couldn't match the twins' taller frames.

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