Episode 3 - Chickens👽

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"To see what is right and not do it is a lack of courage."

- Confucius


Ivan made his way towards the Astronomy class, Max tagging along with him, a cheerful expression on his face. They loved Astronomy and it was their favorite subject. They hadn't been able to attend the English and History classes as they were called in by the Drama class teacher.

Ivan was the leader of the Drama class, the best actor in the school. He had won so many awards for the school as well as individually, and acting was his passion. Being an actor was his biggest dream.

Max, on the other hand, loved singing. He had a beautiful voice but didn't gloat about it, ever. He had voiced over for many male students in the school skits, for Ivan as well, upon the latter's insistence.


Ivan and Max entered the classroom, which looked like a beautiful starry night. There were small hangings of different planets and stars, which glittered slightly when the light fell upon them. The boys drew all the attention of their classmates when they sauntered in.

Ivan sat beside a spectacled girl named Sarah who had been a straight-A student since forever. Max sat beside Ivan as usual. Sarah was startled upon seeing Ivan next to her and quickly buried her nose in her thick Astronomy textbook.

The teacher hadn't come to the class yet, and the students were busy talking among themselves. However, all the chats ceased as Ashley strutted inside the huge classroom with her clones by her sides. They were Riva and Ruby respectively but were known as A1 and A2 as they completely imitated Ashley and never left her side.

Ashley upon seeing Ivan sported a flirtatious grin on her haughty face and sashayed towards him. Her grin faltered when she noticed Sarah sitting beside him. Her face turned practically bright red like her lipstick and her lower lip curled with disgust. She made a grating noise of disapproval and kicked Sarah's chair angrily.

This resulted in Sarah falling down with a thud, her spectacles fell and broke with the impact. She got up with a grunt, tears already falling from her gray eyes, soaking her flushed, chubby cheeks.

"Don't you dare sit next to Ivan. Don't you know that's my seat, fatso?" Ashley lashed out mercilessly and sat next to Ivan who sat there with a pointed face.

"And don't you dare bully around kids!" Elena spoke through gritted teeth as she entered the room with clenched fists. Her dark-brown eyes blazed with pure anger.

Kate stopped recording the video she had captured, and rushed towards Sarah, helping her get up and patted her back slowly. She took the broken glasses and handed them to Elena who slammed them against Ashley's table.

She grabbed Ashley's forearm and forced her out of the seat, and took the place for herself.

"Get up!" Ashley ordered in her nasal, high-pitched voice, which was a torture to everyone's ears. She frowned when Elena made no attempt to move.

"Listen here, newbie..." Ashley began menacingly. "Get up while you still can, or I'll make sure that you don't have feet soon."

This resulted in collective gasps from the whole class. Amongst several shocked, terrified and sad looks, Elena's appeared nonchalant.

"Are you done with your empty threats?" Elena asked, her medium-white face donning a bored look. She checked her nails, ignoring A1 and A2, who sided with their "queen" and tried to pull her.

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