Episode 19 - Frightening Awakening👽

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"Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they sleep inside your head."



Ivan sauntered inside his room and sat on the bed. He sighed and thought about the day's events.

He was puzzled by the twins' behavior at his place today. He felt that he was the subject of the conversation between them and his mom. When he entered the living room, Elena had abruptly stopped speaking. This confirmed his suspicions.

What were they talking about? He had no clue.

Also, he noticed that there was this connection between the twins. Without even speaking anything, they understood what the other wanted to say.

The way Kate had gulped down the water and emptied the whole jar just by Elena's eye gesture proved the fact.

He realized later that Elena's special water was just an excuse to enter his room, other than the question which she had shown him. A question to which probably even his Astronomy teacher would've no answer to.

He had to give it to her, Elena was clever... very in fact.

After the twins had left, he had checked the drawers and had run a hand over the walls apprehensively. He was sure that they might have hidden something to scare him.

But, there wasn't anything scary and he shut the drawers properly. He was rather puzzled by one question that kept surfacing in his thoughts.

"What alien ring?"

Ever since the twins had come into his life, Ivan felt uneasy. He didn't know what was the reason behind it, but he felt that somehow he was missing something in his life.

Something important.

Whenever the twins talked to him, he felt that he had heard their voices somewhere. But, he had no idea what "some" and "where" were.

This was the main reason why he kept his side of the conversation with them minimal. Even if he did talk, it was unnecessarily rude to keep them at arm's length.

He was more on the observing side, a spectator who wanted to find out anything which could tell him more about the twins.

And why they seemed familiar.

Sighing, he looked out of the window. The twins' window was pitch black, indicating that the light was switched off.

"So, they're asleep early," he whispered to himself, sighing in relief.

What he didn't know was that at this moment the twins were standing near the pipe that led to his room.

As per his usual ritual, the nightlight was picked from under his bed and its working checked. He still had half an hour to go to sleep, but he always came early to his room and checked if his nightlight worked first.

He switched on his alien shaped nightlight and waited for the appearance of its soft, green glow.

But, there wasn't any.

"The Russos," he muttered with a groan. "Did they do this to my nightlight?"

He placed a finger upon the nightlight, tracing the alien's eye sockets with a deep frown.

"Aliens?" his whisper came out more like a question as he looked at it intently.

He ran both hands through his hair, frustrated that he wasn't able to know why the twins were searching his room.

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