Episode 24 - Cracked Masks👽

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"Negative emotions like loneliness, envy, and guilt have an important role to play in a happy life; they're big, flashing signs that something needs to change."

-Gretchen Rubin


Elena stared at the script in her hand with a groan. She wished that her lines would automatically get inside her head without her having to memorize them.

She glanced at Ivan who read from the script he had with utmost concentration. She could guess which character's lines he was reading as his facial expressions changed every now and then.

She noticed Max standing by Kate's side, explaining how she had to vocalize as Aurora. Kate's left palm shook, and she turned it into a fist repeatedly to get over her fear.

Her right palm was enclosed in Max's left one, and Elena noticed how he unconsciously circled his thumb over her pale skin.

Elena smiled as she watched them, and dropped it when she heard Ivan hollering her name. With a groan, she sauntered forward, hoping to waste as much time as possible.

Ivan's glare in her direction made her quicken her steps, but someone's foot blocked her way. Before she could balance herself, she stumbled forward and crashed straight into Ivan.

Elena looked behind to see Kate winking at her, and watched her resume listening to what Max had to say.

Elena turned to face Ivan. His arms had caught her by the shoulders, his eyes gazing at her with a softened look.

He removed his hold from her shoulders and held her palm gently. She bit her lip and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a nervous smile grazing her otherwise bold face.

She found him inching towards her, till their noses almost touched. She gasped slightly and took a step back, only to find him creeping closer.

She looked into his blue eyes, which looked like a calm sea without any anger or annoyance in them.

Her gaze flickered to his lips, soft pink ones that looked so kissable under the shadow of his height. She resisted the urge to kiss him and stared at the ground to distract her infatuated self.

She found him gently tucking the same strand of hair behind her ear. He slowly brought his lips near her ear, making her fidget.

"At least I don't have to teach you how to blush," he whispered with a smirk, making goosebumps rise on her arms.

She rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder lightly. "Dog."

"What? No witty comebacks, Snarky?"

When she stood quietly, he continued with an amused tone, "Glad that you know who's the leader, and that he deserves to be listened to."

He smiled mischievously at her, his teeth revealed as he grinned slightly for a second.

"Million-Dollar smile," she whispered, her lips pulled into a wide smile.

"No, a zillion," he corrected immediately, his hand still holding hers. His grin dropped when he saw her widened eyes.

"You remember..."

She tried to hold him back by enclosing his palm tightly, but he had let hers go. Without any explanation, he walked away with a shake of his head.


The practice continued with Ivan being his usual icy self. He let each of the students repeat their lines and practiced his own.

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