Two diagnoses in one day (mpreg) part 1

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So.. another obsession I secretly have is mpreg (male pregnancy) stories..
I've not found many of them related to Mickey and Ian...
'My ass hole is fucking on fire' Ian compliment. 'Yeah now you see what I mean' Mickey joked.
'Yeah you're right' Ian smiled.
They just finished a long round of sex when Ian finished bottoming Mickey for the first time.
They have wanted to try it out for a while and finally it happen.
They lay their for a while just coming down of their hight. Taking in some breaths. Before Ian turn to his left and cuddled towards Mickey. 'I thought we are going with it all the way' Mickey complained.
'Shut up and let me cuddle you' Ian smirked and they quickly drifted off to sleep cuddling close.

A few days later Ian woke up first and ran straight to the bathroom to puke everything he had in him. Mickey woke up a few minutes later to the sound of the toilet being flashed. Ian went back inside the room and got back into bed and went back to cuddle Mickey.
'You okay?' Mickey asked softly. 'Probably ate something wrong' Ian responded nuzzling his head in the crock of his neck.
They fell back asleep cuddling close again.

This routine have been going on for the past week like that. Ian waking up first puking his gut out and then going back to bed with Mickey finding comfort in Mickey's heat body.
The next time it happened Mickey already woke up and went after Ian to make sure his alright. 'I'm gonna make you a doctors appointment, see what's up with you' Mickey said as they sat down to eat their breakfast. 'I told I'm alright no need to make any appointment' Ian shrugged. 'I'm worried about you man.. I hate to see you like that' Mickey said love in his tone. He was getting more soft for Ian as the days went by and Ian absolutely love it.
'Will you come with me?'
'Of course'
The last time they were at the doctors office, Ian got diagnosed with bipolar disorder and since then he was terrible terrified to go by himself. So Mickey would always join along or one of his siblings but usually it was Mickey holding his hands since the minute they enter the car towards their until they are home and cuddling back in bed.

'Ian Gallavich' a nurse called Mickey and Ian stood up and followed her towards some room when Ian was requested to change into a gown. Mickey helped him to undress himself and put on the gown, connecting their hands again and making their way inside the doctor's office.
'Hey Ian, I'm doctor Day what seems to be the problem?' she asked in sympathy.
'I've been feeling sick for the past week vomiting every morning, tired and I feel like I'm having the flu or something' he said. Doctor Day quickly wrote all the information in the computer and Ian squeezed Mickey's hand tightly afraid of what will come next.
'Alright before we will proceed any medical history I need to know about?' she asked.
'He is bipolar' Mickey said looking at the doctor then smiled at him.
'Okay, how about you hopped on the table so I can examine you?' Ian nodded and stood up and made his way towards the chair and Mickey followed ahead standing right beside him.
'Oh your friend can sit back if he want' the doctor said looking over Ian and then at Mickey.
'He is my husband doctor' Ian spoke.
'Okay then sorry for the misunderstanding' she apologized. Ian laid down on the open chair and the doctor closed the curtain behind her. 'Okay I'm gonna apply some gel on your stomach so I need you to lift the gown a bit' she said and then moved away a bit to pull out the ultrasound gel from the bedside table. Ian lifted the gown a bit and doctor applied the gel over his stomach as he hissed and tightened his grip on Mickey's hand. 'Gallagher if you keep your hand like that my knuckles would fall off' Mickey said.
'Sorry' he apologized. The doctor then took the ultrasound machine and start to circle it over his stomach. She reached the middle of his stomach and then stopped pointing at the little dot in the middle of his belly. 'You seeing this little dot' she asked. 'Is it his breakfast or something?' Mickey asked confused.
'This is your baby'
'A what now?' Mickey asked confused.
'I can't be pregnant I'm a male'
'For a male pregnancy there is two possibilities whether you are transgender or you're intersex׳ she explained.
'Like a female and a male in one?' Ian asked.
'Oh my' Ian sigh his head hitting the pillow.
'So I need to bring down tests in why won't you sit back and relax and I'll be right back'.
As she left the room Ian and Mickey looked at each other and froze.
Can this really happen now?
Just because of one time Ian got himself pregnant?
How did Mickey didn't get pregnant up until now?
What the fuck is going on?
'My only question for now except from a big wtf is how did you didn't get pregnant?' Ian asked looking over his husband.
'I've absolutely no idea' Mickey shrugged.
When the doctor came back to the room she performed some tests on Ian and then send them to their way.
Back in the car they were still holding hands but a word wasn't said between them. To many thoughts inside their hands sent them to a fucking rollercoaster.
They arrived home ten minutes later and each of them just went to his way.

Around midnight Ian was already laying down in bed trying to fall asleep but he couldn't because Mickey wasn't next to him. He need him next to him to fall asleep.
He turned around in bed a few more times starting at the ceiling hoping to fall asleep.
'Hey' he turned around and there he was. Ian shyly smiled at him as he got into bed with him and cuddled him close causing them to doss of quickly.
The next day the routine followed up basically the same Ian woke up first running towards the bathroom to vomit his gut out. Mickey would join him a few seconds later rubbing his back trying to calm him down.
They didn't talked with each other, it was this understanding silence between them. That no words would have to say.
They just knew what the other was feeling.

Around two days later they were eating dinner together, just casually talking about their day at work and whatever was on their minds when Ian's phone start to ring.
He picked it up from his side of the table and answered.
'Hello Ian? It's doctor Day' the voice called.
Ian almost choked on his words and quickly put the phone on speaker so Mickey could hear the news as well. A solve for their mystery.
'Yes hi doctor how may I help you ?' he asked.
'I'm calling to tell you I got your results back, can you and your husband meet me tomorrow at the office I want to discuss it' she asked.
'Is it a good thing or a bad thing?' Mickey asked.
'Well for my side is a good thing, depends how you sees it' she said.
'Is he pregnant or not?' Mickey almost yelled.
'He is and also an Intersex man'.

The next day they arrived to her office their hands slightly interviewing but no too much. After the news broke about Ian's pregnancy they didn't talked much. Let alone at all. But Mickey still cuddled with him all through the night, and hold him close when he start to cry and having a panic attack about the whole thing. And even rubbed his back when he vomit this morning again.
He hated to see him like that, he miss seeing him all goofy good boy two shoes. But right now and for the next nine months it seems like he won't get him back.
'Hey guys thank you for meeting me' Doctor Day said.
They sat down in their chairs and looked at her.
'Alright we are gonna make this quick be use I've squeezed patients to see you two' she pulled up a white binder and put it in front of them.
'Look this is not the first case I've been dealing with of male pregnancy and probably not the last one.. if you two would like to follow the process I've everything written down for you that would explain everything that needs to be known.. if you would to go for an abortion or any other option that is also written down inside of it. Take the binder with you home and I want to see you Ian in two weeks to see how the baby is doing, alright?' she asked looking over the two who nodded.
Mickey quickly swiped the binder towards him and put it over his legs.
'Thank you' Ian said shyly.
'You're welcome I'll see you in two weeks alright?' he nodded again.
'Take care boys' she smiled at them.

As they arrived home they quickly stripped off their shoes and coats and made their way towards the couch to warm some tv as their typical Sunday's.
Half through the movie 'John Wick' Ian broke the silence.
'I wanna keep the baby'
'You sure man? whatever you what I'm with you' Mickey said looking over Ian with love.
'I'm sure only if you want to.. if not we have our whole life to have one' Ian asked.
Mickey quickly moved a bit closer to him so Ian could rest his head against his shoulder.
'You want to have this baby?' Mickey asked and Ian nodded.
'Then we are gonna have this baby'.

Hi guys
What do you think should I make part two of it because I've something written down as an idea
Hope you had a great day
Love ya❤️

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